Hi, @quidproquo. That is brutal but absolutely common, as sad as that reality is. I find that in many cases they tend to jump ship when the commitment becomes particularly serious. Buying rings will do that but only when they have already been dwelling on issues over an extended period of time and not disclosing these with you etc. I’m sorry you have to go through not only that but also the demise that was delivered by way of text. Just awful in every way. I know this takes a lot of getting used to but think about this when and if you ever have a calm moment: if someone was capable of being so hurtful and treating you so neglectfully, would you truly want to be with them now knowing this? I find uncommunicated breakups (as in, those where someone decides personally if it’s over rather than relationally) so harsh yet they are so common. In a way, they provide us a very quick, clear release, which I would very much prefer over a long, drawn-out ambivalent breakup. This can be analogous to mediaeval times where a quick beheading (or hanging) was deemed an act of mercy over a long, torturous flaying or burning. Trust me, you don’t want the latter, which is pure emotional torture just like a quick breakup but spliced with shades of hope from being led on. As you say, the lack of interest in working on the ‘broken’ relationship and absence of a chance at amends is the most harmful. But if they’ve already deliberated without even needing you, they’ve shown unmistakeably just how little of their own self was ready to love. And you definitely don’t want someone like that – someone who was so willing to throw it all away because of their own ineptitude at communicating fears and anxieties about the relationship. It hurts now and, damn it, I know where you’re coming from, but know you dodged the proverbial bullet! If she stayed, perhaps she would’ve been able to progress through this for the sake of you both and the relationship. But I think this would have inevitably led to your breaking up with her, because ‘problems’ like trust and communication are rudimentary and not easily fixed without direct address.