
Feeling completely and absolutely bored and empty about everything

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    Hello, everybody..I don´t know what to do, I really feel like there is no sense in my life, nothing what could make me happy, or make me feel something..don´t get me wrong, yes I overgo some emotions too, but most of the time I just don´t find anything meaningless what I could do..It´s not like I have nothing to do, at all, I go to school, do my homeworks (I am univeristy student), have some friends, hobbies, activities..yes I do all of that, but it doesnt bring me any kind of satisfaction..2 months ago I broke up with my boyfriend and that was very painful, but I really managed to get over it, and I am really glad for it because I thought it wont be possible..so that´s not my problem, and I felt exactly like that during relationship and before it too, so it´s not in that..I also read a lot motivational stuff, about living present moment, positive thinking, being able to empty the mind or not to identify with the thoughts so I am quite familiar with lot of that..I also have problem with loving myself and acceptace, but still even if I feel relatively good about myself, although I know it´s all related, I dont know what to do, to feel something, somehow, some sense? I also feel abit guilty, I know I should be grateful for all I have, and yes I am but that doesnt help me..I dont have any serious troubles in my life, good family ad so on..but I just know that my life has no direction, it´s going somewhere without any piece of consciousness, I just always do something out of fear duty, expectations of others, so in result I do somehing I dont want and maybe thats why I feel like thatt..I cant follow my inner will, being and I just cant be myself at all, and do it..it is just weird ..


    Dear lili-lili

    What a cheerfull name you choose! You say you lack fulfillment from your life. But on the other hand you don’t live the life you want to because you act according to other people’s expectations. You say you act driven by the emotion of fear. What is it that you fear? Other people’s reaction if you start being yourself or doing things you actually like?

    I think in order to appreciate and find meaning to your life you must be true to yourself and to others. That way you will love yourself and you will find other people who love you for who you are.

    I think you can follow your inner will, but you are afraid because you don’t know the outcome.
    Well you can’t control the outcome, but the only path of self loving is self exposing.

    Take care

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