
Reply To: My coworker led me on and I'm hurting inside my office everyday

HomeForumsRelationshipsMy coworker led me on and I'm hurting inside my office everydayReply To: My coworker led me on and I'm hurting inside my office everyday

Mega Man

Hi Inky,

Noticed that you’re one of the active contributors to this forum and I really admire you for that.

About that, I most likely wouldn’t do that since it would be obvious that it came from me and I don’t wanna put more barriers/gaps between me and my officemates.

I’m finding it hard to work since I felt like I was thrown away and all, but I keep on reading and keeping in touch with my spiritual self. These tangible things around me (their pictures on Facebook, the small gifts the guy gives her that she shares with everyone except me, her presence, etc.) and the intangible things (the approval of everyone with regard to their relationship, how I heard that I was not a better option than my friend according to her friends, etc.).

I don’t know if these emotions/what I’m feeling right now are a sign of a lack of manliness and it’s starting to piss me off…but I do and honestly want to get better each day.

Thanks again Inky!