
Posts by Adriana Paez

Adriana Paez is a certified life coach on a mission to help women who feel stuck and without purpose—enabling them to conquer self-doubt, grow confident, and find their groove again so that they can create a life that is deeply fulfilling, aligned with their true passions, and that brings them immense joy. Using her innovative three-pillar formula to thrive, Adriana helps others jump back into the driver’s seat of their lives and go from unstuck to unstoppable. adrianapaez.com / Instagram

Adriana Paez's Website

If You Haven’t Found Your Purpose: How to Feel Good Anyway

“The person who lives life fully, glowing with life’s energy, is the person who lives a successful life.” ~Daisaku Ikeda

We’ve all heard the phrase “find your life purpose.” It gets thrown around so much nowadays. Many of us have been in what feels like an eternal quest to find it, especially if we’ve been feeling stuck, lost, and out of alignment. Finding our purpose then becomes an almost obsessive search for the solution that will solve all our problems.

We’ve been led to believe that a life purpose is a single thing, a calling that we’ll be passionate about

What You Need to Know About Motherhood If You Feel Lost

“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed.” ~Linda Wooten

It was October of 2016 and there I was staring at the wall after yet another sleepless night, nursing my one-year-old, and feeling like a total failure because this motherhood thing still didn’t feel at all natural to me. Why couldn’t I tap easily into my motherly instinct? Why did I feel that, instead of completing me, becoming a mom was actually making me fall apart?

I always knew I wanted to be a mother. It was a …