
Posts by Aimee Hodges

Aimee is on a long awaited path to a happier, more fulfilling life. Connect with her at Live Simple Now where she blogs about creating a meaningful life through simplicity and welcomes guest posts for those who want to share their story. You can also find her eBooks here.

Aimee Hodges's Website

Moving Beyond Pain to Find Happiness and Meaning

“When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” ~ Unknown

Most of us have experienced a day or event in our life that changes us forever.

I remember that day vividly, and it still invokes incredible pain in my heart. It was the middle of the night in February. I was twelve years old, and I awoke to my mother screaming and crying to my brother that our dad was dying. He died in his sleep from a massive heart attack.

I will …