
Posts by Alyssa Smith

Alyssa is a certified life purpose and career coach who came "home" to herself after a challenging wake-up call that led to multiple life and career pivots. Through a heart-centered, holistic approach, she supports her clients to reconnect with their inner knowing, upgrade their lives to align with their evolved values, skills, and desires, and ultimately land careers that light them up again. Grab her free resource 8 Questions to Nail Your Superpowers and Own Your Value today!

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5 Tips for Updating Your Career and Life to Match Who You Are Now

“All you’re going to lose is what was built for a person you no longer are.” ~Brianna Wiest

I’ll admit it. I stayed in a failed marriage for five years past its expiration date. I got especially good at faking smiles in public and relegating myself to my laptop most evenings.

I also sentenced myself to a career that stopped “lighting me up” about a decade before I was ready to wave the white flag of surrender. As in my marriage, I refused to believe its end for ages and tried everything I could think of to keep this dying …