
Posts by Anais-Bock

Anaïs Bock is a transition mentor and personal branding coach. She helps entrepreneurs to show up authentically and build systems that allow them to balance strategy and creativity, the feminine and the masculine. She is currently doing post-graduate research on authenticity at work. Find out more at: www.meetanais.com.

Anais-Bock's Website

A 6-Step Daily Ritual to Create the Future and Enjoy the Present

“What you do today is important, because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.” ~Unknown

I have always loved to-do lists. It gives me joy to plan my day in advance. Lists give me an overview, focus, and I simply love crossing things off.

Things changed when I became self-employed. My to-do list behavior turned from a supportive tool into an instrument of self-imposed pressure.

I felt that being self-employed meant that I had to work very hard to make things happen. The lists became longer and longer, at least fifteen big items per day.

As …