
Posts by Anjana Rajbhandary

Anjana Rajbhandary is an Ayurvedic Health Teacher and Certified Mental Health Professional with a passion for holistic wellness. When she's not writing or teaching, you can find her exploring new cultures, enjoying live music, or spending quality time with her beloved rescue puppy, Sloane. Visit her at anjyrajy.com, on Medium, and on Instagram.

Anjana Rajbhandary's Website

The Beauty of Being Ordinary: Getting Past Society’s Obsession with Success

“I’ve found beauty in the whimsically ordinary.” ~Elissa Gregoire

The pervasive message of our time asserts that success is essential in every facet of life, be it education, career, friendships, or relationships. In the relentless pursuit of success, many of us toil ceaselessly, ingrained with the belief that triumph is the gateway to happiness.

Rewind three decades to when I was ten, and the emphasis was on excelling in school. Family, teachers, and even movies emphasized the narrative that good grades equated to happiness.

The equation was simple: good grades led to a good job, financial stability, a great partner, …

What Happened When I Stopped Blaming and Embraced Radical Responsibility

“I can respect any person who can put their ego aside and say, ‘I made a mistake, I apologize, and I’m correcting the behavior.’” ~Sylvester McNutt

I remember I was a teenager when I went through this horrible breakup. I had never experienced heartbreak before, and the pain was excruciating, impacting many areas of my life. For years, I blamed him for the end of our relationship and for not appreciating my love.

My friends told me it was his loss and that I deserved much better. I nursed that breakup for longer than necessary. I never took responsibility for …