
Posts by Ashlee Pearce

Ashlee Pearce is a thirty-something-year-old mother to two great kids, and she is happily married, again, to an amazing man. She loves writing, gardening, and coffee, lots and lots of coffee. She has loved writing since she was a child and has instilled the same love into her daughter, who will, no doubt, outwrite her. She an avid lover of all things music, and she loves animals, big and small.

The Relief of Letting Go and Living Fully Despite My Anxiety

“We only live once, Snoopy.” ~Charlie Brown

“Wrong. We only die once. We live every day.” ~Snoopy

I am an anxious person. I haven’t always been though. When I had my first child, fourteen years ago, it was the week after my father died. My son was born and went right to the NICU where he spent the first fourteen days of his life. In that moment, I changed. I’d already had one miscarriage. I couldn’t lose anyone else.

Man, life is fragile. I spent the next decade making sure he played on the swings at the park, but not …