
Posts by Carlotta Elle

Carlotta has been an emotional healing practitioner for over ten years, trained in EFT, NLP, Bach Remedies, Kinesiology, and is currently furthering her skillset by completing a degree in Psychology. She now supports clients who have experienced childhood trauma, self-sabotage, anxiety, low self-worth, and negative thought patterns, and helps them release painful emotions and guides them to break free from past trauma and to live a fulfilling, positive and happy life. Visit her at https://www.carlottaelle.com/.

Carlotta Elle's Website

Forbidden Emotions: The Feelings We Suppress and Why They’re Not Bad

“The truth is that there is no such thing as a negative emotion. Emotions only become ‘bad’ and have a negative effect on us when they are suppressed, denied, or unexpressed.” ~Colin Tipping

Emotions are constantly and powerfully guiding our lives, even when we are not aware of them, even when we do not feel them or are convinced that we can exclude them from our experiences.

Emotions give us precious, sometimes indispensable information about what is best for us, about the best choices we can make, about how to behave. They give us information that we often do not …