
Posts by Carolina Gonzalez

Carolina Gonzalez is a certified mindfulness and meditation teacher based in Sydney, Australia, passionate about guiding others through life’s uncertainties with compassion and clarity. After navigating her own journey through self-doubt and emotional depletion, she created Renew & Rise: Your 90-Day Pathway to Rediscover Clarity, Confidence, and Self-Worth. Using mindfulness and meditation practices, she helps people reconnect with their inner strength, cultivate self-worth, and feel empowered to make aligned life choices. Sign up for her free six-minute calming and grounding meditation at carolinagonzalezmindfulness.com.

Carolina Gonzalez's Website

How to Develop True Self-Confidence Amid Life’s Uncertainty

“Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.” ~Peter T. McIntyre

I used to think of confidence as something external, something that people exuded in their body language, in the way they spoke, or in the certainty of their decisions.

To me, a confident person had a poker face and a strong, grounded posture. I thought confidence was something you cultivated through endless practice—training yourself to speak with assertiveness and decisiveness, to project certainty even when you didn’t feel it inside.

But I’ve come to understand that true self-confidence is something that comes from …