
Posts by Damatia Gipson

Damatia is the forty-something year old mother of one grown man, sister of three, who was parented by two. In her career, she works with numbers. She has always had profound respect and love for words, music, and the harmony they bring. She honors them and consistently seeks ways to be more like them.

Watch Me Dance: Why I Stopped Playing Small and Hiding from Life

“There is no passion to be found in playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” ~Nelson Mandela

When I was a kid I’d get up early on Saturday mornings to start my routine, which ended with a few hours in front of the television watching my favorite shows. After the cartoons came dance shows featuring the popular musical acts of the time. I’m in love with music and I have been all of my life, so these shows in particular excited me and made me feel like dancing with joy—and …