
Posts by Falan Storm

Falan Storm is a devoted Mama to three, a loving wife, and a writer who shares ways to live a meaningful, free and feminine life at falanstorm.com. She is the creator of She Cycles, an Ecourse helping women to eliminate the inconvenience and illuminate the wisdom of their menstrual cycles. She can also be found on Instagram.

Falan Storm's Website

The Path to Freedom: Stop Controlling and Defining Yourself

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” ~Albert Einstein

I had drawn a line so deep in the sand about who I was.

I was certain I was on my way to becoming a better version of me.

And then.

Water rushed in, softening that line, revealing that I was part of something much bigger than I saw myself to be.

Something much bigger than I could control myself into.

So many children grow up with circumstances far …