
Posts by Julie-Barnes

Julie Barnes is a women's empowerment coach and mentor, founder of ClaimYourShine.com and the creator of programs like Finding Your Phoenix. Julie is passionate about  helping women find their purpose after overcoming heartbreak and loss.  Follow Julie on Twitter at @claimyourshine.

Julie-Barnes's Website

Change Your Life by Turning Shame into Courage

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” ~Nelson Mandela

Shame. A word that conjures up all kinds of emotions while equally keeping you silent.

Some have even said that shame should be classified as a deadly disease because of how it deeply affects the soul.

Then, there are researchers like Brené Brown who study it.

It wasn’t until I started working with my first speaking coach that I realized it was actually shame that had kept me “hiding out” and playing small earlier in life.  

Which is typical of women who have …