
Posts by Kristina Dobyns

Kristina is a PhD student in somatic psychology and has her masters in exercise science. She helps women overcome binge eating at BeyondBingeEating.com. She teaches mindful eating at MindfulEatingSupport.com. And she showcases her art at SoyMapache.com. She is a multiple time fitness champion. When she is not busy as a stylist specializing in poodle mullets, she enjoys reading leather-bound books and lounging in her apartment, which smells of rich mahogany.

Kristina Dobyns's Website

The Magic of Celebrating Every Little Win

“Celebrate what you want to see more of.” ~Tom Peters

In a world that often only celebrates grand achievements, it’s easy to overlook the small victories that pave the way to lasting change.

BJ Fogg, PhD, a Stanford behavioral scientist and author of the transformative book Tiny Habits, offers a powerful insight: If we want to get great at creating habits, we must celebrate. He insists that immediately after we do our new habit, or even approximate it, we must celebrate. This. Isn’t. Optional.

Why is celebration so crucial? That’s what wires the habit into our brain. When we …