
Posts by Lauren-Cucinotta

Lauren Cucinotta is an content, community and communications strategist on leave from TED, and currently in Istanbul. She writes, travels, and loves to learn. You can read her personal work on Medium, about her adventures in her weekly newsletter and on Twitter @LCucinotta, where she tweets about women's issues, global culture, digital storytelling, community and inspiring quotes.

Lauren-Cucinotta's Website

How Feeling My Pain Made Me Feel More Alive

“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.” ~Kenji Miyazawa

I used to run from pain.

My father died suddenly when I was six. For years I stuffed it down, never letting anyone know my emotions or how I was feeling, and I ran from situations that could cause me to lose, to feel pain.

My heart would jump and feel fear every time I received bad news or a “bad” email from a boss. I only wanted to feel good things. I stayed out of relationships for fear of the eventual loss and bad …