
Posts by Linda-Carvalho

Linda Carvalho is a teacher and her deep passion extends to all the students she’s worked with. She believes a child’s growing progress is the most rewarding and self-fulfilling prophecy. She enjoys traveling the world and has a strong passion for writing. Her next goal is to finish a book she’s currently working on and contribute more blogs to Tiny Buddha.

Speaking Your Mind Without Being Hurtful

“If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind.” ~Buddha

Many of us allow other people’s opinions to dictate what we believe, value, or perceive. It’s not always easy to stand up for our beliefs and opinions when others, particularly those we care about, constantly bombard us with their views.

You might be thinking, “No, not me! This never happens to me. I’m strong in voicing my beliefs.”

At one point or another, we all conform our opinions, either to avoid confrontation or judgment or because we’re losing faith in what we