
Posts by Marina Alteza

Marina Alteza is the founder of No Longer Empty where she documents her journey of self-discovery and shares how she transforms her relationship with life challenges using gratitude, self-compassion, and mindfulness. Her site offers tools and resources to help and inspire readers to live and express a fuller and more authentic life.

Marina Alteza's Website

How to Be Grateful When It Seems Like Nothing Is Going Right

“You can’t be fearful and grateful simultaneously.” ~Tony Robbins

It may be challenging to step into a state of gratitude during a time of tumult and fear. But now, more than ever, we need to practice grace. The practice of gratitude can lift us out from under the heavy weight of our unsavory thoughts and feelings and move us in the direction of loving-kindness.

My Personal Experience with Adversity

I have faced difficult moments in my life. One such time was when I had cervical cancer a few years ago. I remember going through a number of emotions. But when …

How to Heal a Broken Heart Using Mindful Self-Compassion

“It’s not your job to like me—it’s mine.” Byron Katie

Why are breakups so painful? Whether we are the dumper or the dumpee, the range of emotions we feel is universal: devastation, sadness, and anger. Oh, and there’s the acute pain, as if your heart had been gouged from your chest, stabbed a dozen times with a butter knife, and booted to the curb.

Am I right?

Of course I am. I’ve been there. We all have. I intimately experienced a broken heart and its rippling effects when my partner and I ended our seven-year relationship. I admit that I …