
Posts by Meg Tinsley

Meg Tinsley received an MA in Somatic Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and is trained in a Jungian-inspired movement therapy. She is a psychotherapist and EMBODY coach who helps women reclaim healthy relationship with their bodies. She maintains an eclectic spiritual and movement practice. Feel free to contact Meg at megtinsleymft@yahoo.com with any comments or questions about this article or about her EMBODY course or EMBODY private sessions.   Explore more at: www.embodyher.org www.megtinsleymft.com

Meg Tinsley's Website

Discovering Pleasure in Movement Instead of Exercising from Fear

“The choice that frees or imprisons us is the choice of love or fear. Love liberates. Fear imprisons.” ~Gary Zukav

I come from a family of runners. When I was a young girl, my father would rouse us out of bed on the weekends to run the three-mile par-course at the local park, competing with my siblings for who could do the most sit-ups at the stations along the route. We would end the event with a bunch of chocolate eclairs from the local 7-11 as a reward.

As benign as this story may be, it describes a pattern of …