
Posts by Megan ONeil

Megan is a writer and marketing communications professional who covers topics related to careers, human-centric workplaces, emotional intelligence, travel, and expat living. When not working, she can be found traveling, on her yoga mat, or chipping away at her ever-growing book collection. You can follow Megan on LinkedIn or visit megantayloroneil.com.

How Grieving My Parents’ Divorce (20 Years Later) Changed Me for the Better

“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” ~Zora Neale Hurston

At the age of thirteen, my childhood as I knew it came to an end. My parents sat my brother and me down at the kitchen table and told us they were getting a divorce. In that moment, I could acutely feel the pain of losing the only family unit I knew.

Although my teenage self was devastated by this news, it would take another twenty years for me to realize the full extent of what I had lost. And to acknowledge that I had never …