
Posts by Michaela-Horan

Michaela Horan is a human being, a mother, a writer, a wife and aspiring coach. She shares her journey toward embracing her many imperfections at parentinginpublic.wordpress.com.

Michaela-Horan's Website

We Have the Strength to Move Through Pain and Uncertainty

“Suffering is not caused by pain but by resisting pain.” ~Unknown

Earlier this year our beloved puppy got sick. Not just a poorly tummy kind of sick, but proper, life-threatening, blood transfusion-requiring sick. Suddenly. Unexpectedly. She was at death’s door.

The vet was talking to us in quiet and kindly tones. Using words like “grave.”

Her illness was apparently unusual in a dog her age. Her prognosis was uncertain. She would require months of treatment that may or may not work. We were to watch her for signs of deterioration. Note changes in her appetite and energy levels.

And then …