
Posts by Moon Merthur

Moon Merthur is a channeler, holistic spiritual teacher, and founder of Gods and Mirrors. She loves bridging the human stuff with divine truths. If the high priestess fell in love with a mortal, she'd be their baby. You can read more about her on her website. If you enjoy spiritual topics and channeled messages, connect with her on Gods and Mirrors (YouTube). There may be something in there for you. ❣

Moon Merthur's Website

Beyond the Inner Critic: Choosing a New Reality

“To think new thoughts, you have to break the bones in your head.” ~Jean-Paul Sartre

Respectfully, Mr. Sartre, I disagree. This is that story, and it’s not for the faint of heart.

Today Was a Bad Day

Oh no, not again!

The walls were closing in on me, and I could see their faces all flustered and red.

Why are they yelling at me? I mean, are they yelling at me?

I could feel the tension in the room; I just couldn’t hear anything. Well, actually, yeah, I could.

I could hear her.

I could hear Annabelle.

I knew it …

How to Prevent Your Ego from Running Your Life

“The ego is not master in its own house.” ~Sigmund Freud

What does that mean? If the ego is not in charge, who is?

Before diving deeper, let me tell you this story.

That Little Voice Again

My jaw tightened, and I couldn’t sit still. Anyone could see that the conversation was heading south. As I was fiddling with my car keys, a little distracted, a very distinct, persistent little voice pushed me to interrupt my sister.

Go ahead. Say it! Make her stop talking!

Like a broken cassette, the words you are wrong kept looping in my …