
Posts by Muwafica

Muwafic is a content writer and SEO apprentice interning at GABA Telepsychiatry. Her goal is to take ideas and turn them into something informative and fun to read. Read her content if you want to know more about psychiatric conditions like depression, anxiety, and parental alienation.

Muwafica's Website

Why We All Need to Pause More Often and How to Do It

“Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective.” ~Doe Zantamata

I have always been that person who just cannot seem to slow down. An overachiever? That’s putting it mildly. In every aspect of my life—work, relationships, personal goals—I have always pushed myself to the absolute limit. It is like I have this internal drive that just won’t quit.

At work, I am always the first one in and the last to leave. Deadlines? I would meet them days early. Projects? I would volunteer for extra ones, even when my plate was already full. And don’t even get me …