
Posts by Nicole Ryan

Nicole Ryan is a mental health advocate, entrepreneur, and boundary-setting coach helping others to thrive in business and in life. As an educator and business owner, she took her experience teaching physical education and as an athletic director to transform lives of her coaching clients as they implement boundaries and overcome people pleasing. Click here for her Setting Boundaries Start Up Guide.

Was I An Overachiever or Really Just Trying to Prove My Worth?

“I spend an insane amount of time wondering if I’m doing it right. At some point I just remind myself that I’m doing my best. That is enough.” ~Myleik Teele

Just one more client. Just one more call. Just one more. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Then, maybe, just maybe, I will feel validated. Worthy. Appreciated.

That’s how success works, right? Everyone has to like you, think you’re amazing, and recognize all of your hard work for you to be successful? I learned the hard way that this is the path to overwhelm, burnout, and a massive anxiety disorder. Because, you have …