
Posts by Paul Buxton

Paul Buxton is a certified This Naked Mind Coach who works with clients wishing to change habits, particularly around alcohol, through his business, The Stoic Scientist. Formerly a management coach working with some of the world’s biggest companies, he now uses his experience, coupled with insights from neuroscience and Stoicism, to help people transform their lives.

Paul Buxton's Website

How to End Problem Drinking: The First Steps

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” ~Marcus Aurelius

It’s 3:00 a.m. I lie awake knowing I have a busy day ahead of me, but my mind is racing. I had a few drinks last night, and I know that this is why I am awake at this ungodly hour. “Why did I drink when I knew I had to work today? You are a fool. You are weak. You are useless.”

This is how I used to talk to myself most mornings, perhaps with riper language, and the process would repeat itself when …