
Posts by Paula Swope

Paula Swope is a spiritual coach, podcast host, Deepak Chopra Certified Instructor and author of Thought Snob: The Modern Spiritual Playbook for a Better Life. After years of trauma, abuse, and self-destruction, Paula realized negative thinking patterns were failing her and began a transformation. Her ‘Thought S.N.O.B.’ process teaches how to move from havoc to happiness and create the life you deserve through the amazing power of your thoughts—just as she did. Follow her on InstagramTikTok or Facebook.

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How I Changed My Life by Becoming a Thought Snob

“Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world. ~Wayne Dyer

Driving home from another visit to the pediatrician, Mother reiterated how puny I was: “You’re just like Mommy. She was so frail. You get sick easily.” I’d say I was five years old when I wholeheartedly accepted this hogwash as fact. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you I stayed sick for three decades because I truly believed I was prone to illness.

I come from a long line of women who never got what they wanted. They settled, conformed, and were …