
Posts by Sean M Clarke

Sean M Clarke is a passionate writer with a deep interest in philosophy and how we can apply the lessons of the past to our modern lives. He is the author of the blog projectenergise.com, where he shares advice on living with anxiety and building better habits for a healthier, calmer, and more fulfilling life.

Sean M Clarke's Website

The Subtle (Yet Huge) Perspective Shift That Changed My Life

“Dear self: Don’t get so worked up over things you can’t change or people you can’t change. It’s not worth the anger buildup or the heartache. Control only what you can. Let go. Love me.” ~Unknown

When I was furloughed from work back in the early months of 2020, I suddenly found myself with more time on my hands than I knew what to do with. I realized it was the freest time I’d had since I was a child on my summer holidays.

But that Covid-related break was much longer than six weeks; it was three long months. The …