
Posts by Shari-Sachs

Shari recently retired from almost 30 years in corporate life.  Currently she coaches, and consults with a specialization in neuroscience and coaching.  She also enjoys blogging, has just begun work on her first book, and is an amateur yogi and spiritual aficionado.  Her personal blog can be found at www.gracefulunderfire.wordpress.com.

Shari-Sachs's Website

Why It’s Not Selfish to Ask Someone You Love for Help

“Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.” ~Unknown

I’m a woman in midlife who thought she was set after a long successful career and the promise of financial security. I supported my own way through most of my life, fending for myself and then my two children, even during a 15-year marriage that ended badly and another that never really began.

For a number of reasons my plans for an early and secure retirement ended a few years ago. The long story is for another time; the short story is health, burnout, spiritual …