
Giveaway: Pema Chodron Uncertainty and Change Virtual Retreat

Update: The winners for this giveaway have already been chosen. Subscribe to Tiny Buddha for daily or weekly emails to learn about future giveaways!

The winners:

Last week, Shambhala Publications contacted me to let me know about their upcoming retreat with Pema Chödrön, Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change.

An ordained Buddhist nun, Pema is best known for her many books and courses on meditation and Tibetan Buddhism, including When Things Fall Apart and The Fearless Heart: The Practice of Living with Courage and Compassion.

Her upcoming three-day retreat will take place at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York—but you don’t need to travel to participate. You can take part from the comfort of your home by accessing the retreat virtually.

During this event, Pema will address the questions:

  • How do we work skillfully with rough times?
  • How do we transform our lives during times of upheaval and unpredictability?
  • How do we broaden our tolerance for uneasiness?

When we’re going through a challenging period, Pema teaches, we all need to find ways to tap into our inherent strength and courage. When we access that brave heart within, answers to those hard questions arise on their own quite naturally.

Pema Chödrön’s message during this weekend retreat is as simple as it is bold: We can do it! And we can all do it beautifully.

The online retreat includes:

  • Full access to the three-day event in real time via live webcast
  • Post-event access to the on-demand video with streaming video playback until December 31, 2011

The event costs $85.00, but you can get $20 off using the discount code LBTB11—or you can enter to win one of three free tickets here!

How to Enter to Pema Chödrön Giveaway

  • Leave a comment on this post. (Please note that you must be a Tiny Buddha subscriber to win.)
  • Tweet RT @tinybuddha Giveaway: Pema Chodron Virtual Retreat– comment and RT to enter! http://bit.ly/r7UCqj

If you don’t have a Twitter account, you can still enter just by completing the first step. You can enter until midnight on Friday, October 21st. To learn more about this event, visit Shambhala Publications.

About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She started the site after struggling with depression, bulimia, c-PTSD, and toxic shame so she could recycle her former pain into something useful and inspire others do the same. She recently created the Breaking Barriers to Self-Care eCourse to help people overcome internal blocks to meeting their needs—so they can feel their best, be their best, and live their best possible life. If you’re ready to start thriving instead of merely surviving, you can learn more and get instant access here.

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