
Alexander E.

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  • in reply to: spiritual awakening? #39655
    Alexander E.

    Hi Luis,

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I can also attest to something similar. I spent some time in northern Thailand at a retreat center called New Life Foundation for two months. There I was given the time and space to ‘listen’ to what was rustling around inside of me. That experience eventually brought me so close to my authentic and true self. Some days were depressing, but I was still happy and was able to become aware of and understand why the depression was there.

    I left Thailand about three months ago to come to Singapore to begin a new job and it has been difficult to maintain that space for understanding and listening to my heart. A book that I’ve read recently and refer to it often to remind myself about the processes that all human beings go through is Awareness by Anthony De Mello. You can also find some youtube videos of his online. What you speak about reminded me strongly of what he has to saw.


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