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  • in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #435769

    Hi Anita, I will get back in the next 48 hours

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #435704

    Thank you Anita for patiently answering, I am grateful.

    “You’ve been thinking that he’s the one throughout all this time that you’ve been presenting him as an unsatisfactory choice of a partner (in so many ways)?

    I am puzzled. I would like to understand better (therefore, I am asking many questions in this post, and as always, you are welcome to answer or to not answer any of the questions I ask)” – I meant after my old relationship, I took time to be happy with myself and I thought I knew what I wanted. Someone with no toxic masculine traits and career-oriented. This was what I wanted and when I was getting into this relationship, I thought “This is it”. But fast forward today, I am not happy with what I thought I would be happy with. Though my mind says this is alright my heart races and I feel very anxious.

    you want to step into your feminine, as in: to no longer be the strong one, the initiator, the one taking charge, the leader. You want him to be these things so that you can relax and let him lead..? – yes.

    Are you angry with him (have you been angry with him for along time) for not being strong enough, initiator enough, social enough, etc.? – I guess yes

    The kind that likes and respects him, I hope, the kind that thinks highly of him. – Am I a bad person for not doing that?

    Do you think highly of yourself? Do you like you? – Yes but I think I can do better. There are still episodes of severe self-doubt, self-criticism, and being hard on myself.

    I think that your relaxed part will come out when you are satisfied with your choice of a partner and no longer want him to be someone he is not, and when you are satisfied with who you are. – Makes sense. Whatever I said, does it seem like I am making it up? Can I change the way I think about them? It isn’t like I don’t want to be satisfied with him and searching for reasons to be dissatisfied, right? Do I sound like that?

    that it’s okay for you to be you, and that it’s okay for him to be him? – maybe

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #435676

    Wow this clicks and is very painful to accept at the same time. Does me healing from my childhood experience of taking up the masculine role and him healing from his father’s absence change anything? I don’t even know if it’s possible and most probably not but at this moment, it’s just hard for me to accept the reality. I really thought this is the one!

    From this part I’m not expecting answers but just venting my thoughts. So what kind of women will he be happy with? Don’t all women at the end of the day want to be in a relationship that lets them step into their feminine?

    And coming to me, I don’t know if I can take on a more feminine role… should I? in order to attract a masculine person? Doesn’t that side naturally come out when you’re with a masculine person? I really don’t know. I’m very career oriented and probably don’t even want to be a mother. Don’t know what life is trying to teach me




    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #435615

    This makes so much sense. “You need him to be the strong male figure so that you can abandon your strong-male-figure role and relax into a female role, while he needs you.. to continue your strong-male role?” – I think this is exactly what is happening.

    Is there a way out of this? Or are we just not meant to be together

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #435544


    I am posting after a while. I took some space from my boyfriend and we keep talking and fighting once in a while.

    There is something that bothers me a lot – Why does my boyfriend put up with everything? Since the beginning of the relationship, we had a lot of ups and downs and I keep telling him I’m confused and I point out reasons saying he is not very social, not very spiritual, etc… I am still confused and I keep suggesting that he needs to change some things about him. Why does he put up with it? Why doesn’t he ever say “I don’t need this in my life, you can be with me if you want to or no”. He always says I am trying to work on this, work on that, etc… why?

    Recently I was catching up with a friend and was sharing with her how my relationship was going on and she pointed out this – since the beginning of the relationship whenever we catch up I am always telling her “there is something missing and the reason is him and it bothers me that he does not fight back or puts up with it” and in that minute, I knew it bothers me too – he is too good to be true. If I was in his position, I don’t think I would have put up with this behaviour. Why does he want me sooooo badly? It bothers me

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #432760

    Hi Anita,

    Thank you for getting back. My thoughts when he was silent – “why is he so silent”, “how can he be so silent”, “I just want to have a heart felt conversation with him”, “I am the one who should always initiate conversations”, “people are starting to feel bored and he is not helping me to keep the energy of the group up”(we went on a drive with few friends), “maybe my friends will think he is boring”, “he always brings my energy down”, “he is not making a good impression of himself near my friends”, “he is not making an effort to be nice to my friends”, “maybe my friends will judge me if he keeps silent”, “my friends will think I settled for less” – it is embarrassing to open up and share that I get these thoughts but I do. I hate it too.

    Coming to the second question – most prominent behavior was not being ready for commitment, not being open about the relationship and hiding it, not caring, not making any plans to do things or spend time unless I do, just not fighting with me, not trying to make it work when things started falling apart.

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #432748

    Hi Anita,

    It has been a while, I hope you are doing well.

    I have been trying to work on myself, go to therapy and not to overthink. I am in a better place but there still are times where I get very anxious and start overthinking. I also took a few steps back from being the bigger person when it comes to my mother and am practicing it. My overthinking gets too bad sometimes and prevents me from being in the moment. I have observed that this majorly triggers when my boyfriend just stays very silent. Recently he came to visit me and I was in a very better place but when we went on a drive and he was sooo silent over the duration of the drive, it pissed me off and triggered my anxiety and overthinking. I don’t know what to do in such situations.

    I am planning to take a break from my relationship, take some space and work on myself, try to get in touch with myself.

    You asked about my previous relationships – I was in one serious relationship followed by 2 experiences which were not really relationships but we dated. When it comes to my RSH – I was always attracted to guys who were calm, respected women, outgoing, could make good conversations and make people around them feel comfortable and also who are spiritual. My history was with similar type of men. No, I did not experience this anxiety or overthinking before – not to this level. My relationships mostly ended because I felt I was the one always giving and initiating things and ultimately feeling that the other person probably did not care enough.



    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #431463

    Yes I think! I am leaving today and I feel sad that the doubts did not leave me yet, that I still have questions on my mind and that I am unable to stop overthinking. I feel this is unfair to my boyfriend, why should he go through this? He has told me today morning I am overthinking too much and it is not helping things. He said his best friend and cousins also think the same – that I am overthinking which hurts me. This has never happened to me. I wish I could do something and stop it.

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #431452

    No problem! It is Monday night here as well. I just called my boyfriend with a different name and he is extremely upset. This happened twice before but with a different name. I don’t know why this happens, it accidentally happens with other people too but I really don’t like it when it happens with my boyfriend.

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #431446

    Hello Anita,

    Sorry for the delay, I am feeling better now. I will leave my boyfriend’s place tomorrow – we had a great time together! I have been thinking about what you said and it is very true.

    ” I think that when she told you that he is not good enough for you, she delivered the almost certain kiss of death to the relationship.” – this thought occurred to me before and it does not shock me. From the moment my mom said he might not be good enough for me, I have been overanalyzing and overthinking about my relationship and my boyfriend which did not help the relationship in any positive way. You are right, I have to explore the relationship with my mother with the help of a psychotherapist to get better clarity and I am on it now. I have been trying to find a good therapist and it’s taking a while. If you have any recommendations, I would be happy to hear from you. My sincere thank you again for taking the time and effort to point this out and help me out through my journey! It really means a lot and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish more strength to you to go through your healing journey that in turn inspires people like me 🙂

    Apart from that, I want to update that I had a great time with my boyfriend, he is a wonderful and genuine person who cares for me and loves me. Our relationship has grown so much over the past one year, it took us so much work to be where we are today, at a better and happy place with better understanding of each other. Both of us have decided that we need to work on ourselves and build more self-confidence which will ultimately reflect in all the areas of our life including our relationship.

    But the feeling of missing the attraction and spark is still there. My mind says everything is going well but my heart keeps saying something is missing – my heart doesn’t say yes! At the same time, when I am with my boyfriend, I feel my social life and spiritual life are not thriving and it bothers me. Like I mentioned before, I keep getting thoughts like “Am I settling for something less?”, “maybe I can get someone with better compatibility”, “am I going to regret this decision”, “i don’t feel inspired enough around him”. The thoughts have definitely decreased this time but still come to me from time to time.

    But I will start with working on and trying to heal my relationship with my mother – thank you for your insights!


    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #430635

    Hi Anita,

    My sincere gratitude to you for taking the time to go over my responses again and responding.

    Sorry for responding lately, I’ve been feeling a little under the weather. I will read this and reply tomorrow – but I cannot deny what you’re saying!

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #430459

    Hi Anita,

    Thank you for responding. I have never heard of this term but I will read about it now.

    I also want to mention that I did talk to my boyfriend about my anxiety from time to time and he said that as per his observation, it might be because this is a healthy relationship and I am not used to it. I am used to fixing things and hence it is feeling alien to me and taking time for me to get used to this.

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #430457

    Hi Anita,

    Thank you for your suggestions. Yes I started doing these things bit by bit and sometimes I keep going back to my old self but I can say that I am making progress. I’m trying to receive and enjoy myself too from time to time. Even with my boyfriend, in the beginning of the relationship I was not comfortable receiving but I am better now and let myself receive love, care and affection.

    It’s been 4 days since I visited my boyfriend’s place and this time around – things are so much better, I definitely am more in the present and am living in the moment. I am able to appreciate him more and see him for the wonderful person he is. But still there are times when I start feeling anxious and my mind is racing with questions, thoughts and fears whenever I think about making a decision. We have been able to have good conversations, talk things out and I even shared with him about my experience with sexual trauma as a kid and he was very supportive.

    However, I’m still unable to decide and sometimes feel like something is missing, especially attraction. Is this just a very close friendship? I also sometimes ask myself – “Am I settling for less?” When it comes to marriage I should be able to very welcomingly say yes but i feel like I’m searching for reasons to make this work and I don’t know if that is right. Im tired of going in circles and feeling anxious from time to time that I feel like breaking up unable to take it anymore but I know that I want to breakup with this anxiety and uncertainty more than the person.

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #430366

    Hi Anita,

    Sorry for my late response.

    “Finally have someone else to be the strong one…. So that I can relax” – in one sentence, this is all I want. You really understood where I’m coming from.

    Whatever you told about my childhood makes so much sense! I can connect a lot of dots – It was always easy for me to connect with girls 6-10 years elder to me and I could maintain good friendships with them. Even with friends, I am always trying to take care of them and be the bigger person. I’m seriously tired but I feel like I don’t know how else to be – I don’t know how to just have fun and be like all other girls!

    Thank you for sharing your story, I empathize with you for going through something similar with your mother – I did go through your previous posts and I’m sorry you had to go through something like that at a very young age. I am happy and proud of you that you’re healing and going in the right direction. More power to support to you 🌸

    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #430260

    Sure Anita, I hope you have a good night! I am going to visit my boyfriend tomorrow for a week and while I am excited and longing to finally see him after 2 months, I am also feeling a little anxious and scared that I will not be able to live in the present – if you have any workarounds, I would be happy to know tomorrow morning 🙂

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