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September 2, 2016 at 9:06 am #114015
Yes, very true. Thank you. Yes, I have to separate the two sides. I am a loving caring person and I don’t want to lose that side of myself and become untrusting & bitter. But yes I can NEVER allow him or anyone to plays games with my heart. I am trying my best to continue moving forward. It’s harder some days than others, but I know I will be fine. Thank you.
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September 2, 2016 at 9:02 am #114012Butterfly
You ARE absolutely 100% correct. I totally agree with you. And as I am working on myself and trying my best to move on with my life. I will admit that it is very hard to completely let go. It is a process and I am getting stronger day by day. I have some days were I struggle but I am confident that I will successfully move on and be open to meet a man who will love me and treat me the way I deserve to be treated with honesty, loyal, respect etc. I WANT & need closure from this. I know everything happens for a reason SO I can only PRAY that this was to teach me valuable lessons (which it did). Thank you.
September 2, 2016 at 7:55 am #113999Butterfly
I was not what I would consider mistreated as a child; was my life perfect? By no means. But was I abused etc, No. Were all of my previous relationships perfect? No they were not but, were any of them like I felt in this one? No. Was I mentally abused in my other relationships? No. So YES I would definitely agree that I was STUNNED that a man of this age who told me everything I wanted to hear about how good he would treat me… then turned around and treated the worst mentally & emotionally I had EVER been treated by anyone in my life? Yes, I am/was stunned. I DO think that when I was younger if I was in a “bad” relationship I was quicker to get out and just move on BECAUSE I was young and I figured I still had my whole life ahead of me. I am not OLD now per se but I am not 22 either. I was HOPING when I met this man that this would be the LAST man I would ever be with, we would spend the rest of our lives together and grow old together. I GUESS THAT part was my fault because I believed he wanted the same thing. So, here I am OLDER and wiser but longing to be truly loved BY ONE man who I can love and grow old with. I guess I am fortunate to have not seriously been mistreated in many ways by many people but THIS was the most painful experience of MY life. So I don’t FEEL fortunate. And again I FEEL crazy because I still love and miss him. I miss hearing his voice, his smell, his touch. So I am upset with myself that It’s so hard to let go of a person who MAY not even miss me as well and put on quite an ACT of “loving & caring” for me?! THAT is unfortunate.
September 1, 2016 at 9:49 am #113920Butterfly
Absolutely not. I treat people how I want to be treated. I did not lie to him. I never disappeared on him. If he called or texted I answered. I went out my way to accommodate him, (driving to him most of the time). The only thing I did was QUESTION him about why he would treat me bad and why & where he would disappear to which I think is reasonable being that we were in a relationship. I would ask him daily if he was getting enough rest, eating properly. When I was there at his house I would help him with things (laundry, dishes cleaning etc). I would encourage him not to drink alcohol (which is bad for his health even more due to his disease). So I am being honest when I say I did not mistreat him. I ONLY desired his true love & affection; which I believed at the time he had in him. But as time went on I was not so sure if he was capable of healthy love.
September 1, 2016 at 9:23 am #113917Butterfly
You’re welcome. He was sometimes unkind & unloving & yes I felt mistreated by him at times. You know how they say “we teach people how to treat us?” Well my major fault was that I saw the read flags in the very beginning and I didn’t walk away then. I had such incredible chemistry & attraction to him that I completely jumped head first into the relationship. When he did mistreat me early on by “ghosting” I would take him back after he apologized and I did it over and over. I am sure after this he had little respect for me because I allowed him to mistreat me yet I stayed. I believed him when he said all the good things. But I disregarded that fact that at least half the time his actions did not match his words. I let him change me in ways; he was a very good manipulator often made me pull away from my friends and family. Again this was my fault because I allowed him to do it.
September 1, 2016 at 7:41 am #113908Butterfly
“I know the pain and longing that comes with remembering the “good” times, but you have to be strong and see the whole picture and do what is best for yourself in the long run. Tell yourself that the longing is for the experience of love, closeness, caring, happiness, etc., with someone that is good for you, someone that treats you right, someone with whom you can be in a long-term, positive, beneficial relations ship, but NOT him.” THIS is so true. I have to keep telling myself this everyday. There is someone out there who will not lie to me, disappear on me and blame me. Someone who will be honest, trustworthy, caring & loving. Someone who will treat me the way I deserve to be treated. Thank you again. I pray it does get easier.
September 1, 2016 at 6:48 am #113900Butterfly
ParticipantHello Monklet80,
Thank you for your reply. Thank you I am trying. I have him blocked but I struggle not to go to my blocked message folder to see if he text. I am secretly hoping he would actually apologize (sigh). Thank goodness I don’t have to see him anywhere we don’t live or work in the same state. Thank you, no he did not treat me well and I need to keep reminding myself of that. I deserve to be loved, & not half heartedly. I am working on it. Thank you again. I pray everyday it gets easier.
September 1, 2016 at 6:42 am #113898Butterfly
Yes, I can be emotional, but I normally keep it in. I am not outwardly emotional. So the roller coaster I was on with him…is in fact due in part to his bad treatment of me. It’s not “all in my head” as you make it sound. I do agree that therapy could help but in reference to him as much as anything else. I do need & want peace. I respectfully disagree with your opinion that my expectations are unreasonable. Who gets into a relationship to mistreat and NOT love someone? HE asked ME to be in a relationship with him and then he mistreated me. So I don’t understand how you can say that I was unreasonable. No I don’t expect him to do anything except what he SAID he would do. LOVE me and treat me right; which his did half heartedly also while he was disappearing & lying to me about MANY things. I have been in several other relationships that were fine and I had no issues such as these because the men actually loved me and treated me well. So I know for a fact I can be in a normal healthy relationship. We have never gotten into a bad “fight” where we yelled at each other; neither of us have raised our voices ever. We always “discuss” our issues calmly and rationally so that is not an issue either. The problem is that although I am willing to admit MY faults he will NEVER admit that he does anything wrong ever. He blames me. And in his previous relationships he blames is Ex’s it’s never him according to him. I am a reasonable person. All I ever expected from him was to be honest, trustworthy, and loving. He was NOT. So Again he was unreasonable thinking that I should be HAPPY and satisfied with being mistreated. I have an extreme amount of empathy for his illness that’s one reason I stayed so long even though he mistreated me because I took that into account and it’s one reason why I still worry about him. Because I do love him and want him to be ok. I am taking care of myself. I want nothing more than for BOTH of us to be happy. I am working on myself and I when and if the time is right I will talk to him and have a calm & rational conversation with him. SO we can both have closure & peace of mind.
August 31, 2016 at 12:25 pm #113848Butterfly
Wow. Well I guess I can see where you are coming from because I did leave ALOT of stuff out. Its hard to mention everything without feeling like I am writing a novel. Even though this is anonymous I still did not want to put some information in. He did in fact HURT me ALOT mostly with his “ghosting” & hot and cold. He would frequently make dates with me not show up and not call. He did this MANY times though out the relationship with NO explanations other than I was “overwhelmed or sorry I feel asleep.” Many times he would go DAYS without responding to texts or calls which would cause me GREAT anxiety because I would worry about his illness and his health. He did some other things that I wish not to disclose but lets just say he tried to talk me into doing things I was not comfortable doing and would try to make me feel bad about not wanting to do them saying I was closed minded. I left out a lot of the stuff that he texted so I can see where you mind not see how I interested what he was saying as wrong. And YES he DID hurt me deeply I am not projecting anything onto him. I love him and would LOVE to be with him IF he would take ownership for his behavior and work on it. I am NOT perfect by ANY means but I NEVER did anything to intentionally hurt him. I say he “acted” like a sociopath because he looked me dead in my eyes MANY times and promised me MANY things. He told me he loved me and cared for me MANY times but continually “ghosted” on me even after I told him how MUCH it hurt me for him to do so. I NEVER felt like a priority in his life and me made me feel like everyone else in his life was more important than me. He would apologize and then do the same things over and over. He also lied about some VERY significant information about himself that would impact our future together. Like I said I left a lot out. But I respectfully have to say that your perception of the situation is wrong. He is NOT a completely horrible person but he has some horrible ways. He HAS hurt me deeply and BUT I can say all of this HAS made me a stronger person. I am working on myself and my own issues but again he was a horrible person to me in many ways. What I will ask you is this? If you think I am wrong and he has not done anything to hurt me. Do you think by his behavior he actually does love and care about me? if so, I have done no contact with him for almost a month. He has only tested me about 12 times in that time. NO CALLS. When I got upset with him the last time he “ghosted” on me which was the weekend of August 6th. I ASKED him to call me…HE NEVER DID. He has only texted me since, which is why I have no responded. My feeling is if you REALLY love me and care for me HOW can you POSSIBLY go WEEKS without hearing my voice or seeing my face?? So I have struggled with calling him to talk about all of this. BUT I still feel that as MAN if you truly LOVE a woman You WILL FIGHT FOR HER. He has not fought for me. SO hence while I feel like he wasted my life and my time and has hurt me because he KNOWS how much I love and care for him even if I should not. Can I have your perspective on this? Should I contact him and if yes, what should I say??
August 31, 2016 at 10:38 am #113839Butterfly
I do agree with you that all of that is emotional abuse. Did she admit to it? My problem is, he will NOT admit any guilt at all. He is STILL texting me blaming me and being mean because I am still ignoring him. I am torn with that.
I must admit that I learned ALOT in this relationship. Good and bad. I learned I need to set boundaries and still to them. I learned what I should and shouldn’t be willing to put up with. BUT I do miss the GOOD things about him. BUT are they enough to ever even be his friend again? Still torn on that but probably no unless he changed which only GOD knows if that would ever happen or not.
I agree with you that he may have misrepresented some of his past experiences. He blames EVERYONE else but takes only little responsibility in things. (HE takes NONE with me). He does actually have the disease I know that for a fact I have seen his hospital paperwork with diagnosis and I have actually witnessed him have a mild crisis. So, that part is true. BUT I think is has ALOT to do with why he behaves the way his does. He see NO FUTURE so he lives wrecklessly for NO FEAR of a future. But you are right it in NO way excuses his behavior.
Honestly, I don’t know. Because he ACTS like there is nothing wrong with his behavior. I don’t actually know if he KNOWS he is a jerk or not? I can only assume he has to to a certain extent. BUT I doubt he is willing to change. He CLAIMED he loved me and cared about me but to this date he has YET to call an sincerely apology for his behavior. Instead he has over the last few weeks randomly text me texts which have TRIED to push my buttons blaming me. Saying things like “I am f*cked up” for not speaking to him, and I wasn’t worth instroducing to his kids, and I need to work on myself and my issues and He doesn’t care about me etc. But again if you think these things then WHY are you still trying to contact me and apparently mad because I am ignoring you? Is it because previously he was controlling me and no matter had BAD he treated me I always came back but not NOW. IS he actually afraid to lose me or just afraid to lose control of the situation? I know he would NEVER seek therapy as again he sees nothing wrong with his behavior.
I am continuing no contact as hard as it is and day by day I think I become stronger. I do have days were I miss him terribly which is crazy I know. But I know he is no good for me as he is and I HAVE to move on with my life. Hopefully he will stop contacting me and I can begin to forget about him completely. GOD help me.
Thank you!
August 31, 2016 at 9:49 am #113834Butterfly
In the time we were together I only witnessed him have a mild crisis once. He would tell me about other crisis that put him in the hospital but not much. He makes it seem like he does pretty good in “controlling” it as much as he can i guess. But i NEVER did anything to stress him. HE caused all the negative situations in our relationship. I would try my BEST to make him happy. So all of the ups & downs were caused by him. I never understood why he would cause the unnecessary stress on either of us. I have been doing VERY well with NC. I have not responded to ANY of the 12 texts he has sent in the past several weeks. But again I must be honest when I say at times I DO miss him (The nice side) and would liked to be able to have parted ways in a nice way rather than him blaming me for “ignoring” him. He REALLY acts like he doesn’t understand WHY I had to walk away. It’s crazy to me that he see nothing wrong with his actions. he is acting VERY immature. I wish he would just sincerely apologize and change is his, BUT I can’t concern myself with that I know. I just hate still caring about his well-being. I am so confused about whether he actually cared for mine at all. If he doesn’t care about me at all why won’t he just leave me alone and if he does why won’t he just leave me alone and stop being mean or just swallow his pride and apologize?
August 28, 2016 at 7:26 pm #113544Butterfly
Thank you for your response. Although I do miss alot of things about him. I don’t miss feeling sad, hurt, anxious, confused and depressed. I am slowing getting over all of that. I am about 1-2 weeks out from 30 days no contact (on my end) and I am doing good. I still want to reach out but I won’t. I will just continue to pray for him because he is probably not going to change and I can not talk to him until I am completely over him. UGH…. I wish ALL the feelings would just go away. Thanks again fir your reply.
August 28, 2016 at 7:11 pm #113543Butterfly
I did get and read your response which is very insightful. I had a busy weekend and no change to respond. I will definitely respond tomorrow. Thank you.
August 28, 2016 at 7:07 pm #113542Butterfly
ParticipantAnita, ‘
Hello, No absolutely not I did not make it up. He has Sickle Cell Anemia which is normally deadly but the age for death varies. I believe now its can range from about 17yr – 55yrs old. He is not a young man so feasibly he could die at any time. He keeps himself in good shape so I did not like to think negatively But I did think that maybe it was PART of the reason that he would ghost out on me because he never really learned to form healthy bonds with people. Although he never uses his illness as an excuse for anything except being tired sometimes. I personally believe that he lived his life recklessly early for NO fear of the or a future. I would NEVER make anything like that up. But after the text he sent I blocked him again and I have not heard from him. I am continuing to make ME better and I am working HARD on moving on with my life. BUT I do have the desire to “check on him” still. Which I know I should not. I do and would appreciate your help. Thank you.
August 26, 2016 at 10:14 am #113335Butterfly
ParticipantCMI – Thank you
Also ANITA if you could chime in on this.
So again, I know this was not a healthy relationship. (Push/Pull, Hot & Cold, “Ghosting” But other than that he was never “ABUSIVE” per se. Not Physically ever. Emotionally I guess. And although I KNOW he is damaged and likely emotionally unavailable he does have SOME good qualities: funny, smart, handy, a great cook, etc. We could and used to talk for HOURS about everything under the son (one reason I stayed so long). So I say all that so say this: I am still doing no contact and today will make three weeks on my end. I am trying my best and I believe well on my way to 30 days (or more) no contact which I have never done before. My question is: Once he is OUT of my system completely and I can look at him for WHO he really is. Can I ever be “friends” with him? Like start over (NO PHYSICAL contact of course) but occasional texts or phone calls just to chat? One thing I did not mention before is he has a deadly disease and I would HATE to not know if he passed away. I know it’s crazy that I still care but I do care about him as a person (I am overly empathetic) I am a true Pisces! Please any feedback from anyone would help. Thank you!
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