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  • in reply to: Please Help Me #103782

    I would actually really appreciate input on this situation 🙂

    in reply to: Please Help Me #103763

    Just going to start venting here. I feel that it is safe to release my feelings. I since then relapsed again . We had a good three months going of a relationship that seemed like it was only improving. I found out about another girl that he was cheating on me with last week.He is now in a relationship with this person. There are so many things I don’t understand but in a way , I don’t want to understand it. I think it’s time that I grow up , face this , and grow from it. I am constantly being told that at some point he will be trying to make ways into my life again , and at this point i am just doing to work needed to be able to say no or nothing at all.

    in reply to: Please Help Me #93964

    Hey ladies and gents ! 🙂 I have since relapsed with no contact and am beginning to feel very stuck again.
    My ex decided to go ahead and promise me the loyalty that I requested without us being in an exclusive relationship. Although it is something that I want , I have to question whether this is something that he wants and also whether taking this road is the correct one as far as my life goals. He seemed to be very receptive to getting back together and offered to take me out on a date. He keeps telling me that he can’t go very long without speaking to me and wants me in his life forever. I am not sure about what I want mostly because my gut is telling me that something is off. Yesterday I ended up catching him in a lie involving a girl and the discovery is making me feel like I am back at square one emotionally. I have heard several times that the universe/god allows a problem to keep re-entering your life in order for you to learn how to fix it and I believe that this might be happening here. I texted him yesterday after my discovery “How are we supposed to get anywhere if you keep on lying to me?”. He kept calling and texting but I was too angry to respond. I feel that I shouldn’t respond all together, cut him loose, and continue on no contact but my guilt of it seeming like I am ghosting him is preventing me from doing so. I remember all the really horrible aspects of our relationship and how he had no real consideration for my feelings which is why I feel that I should just cut him off. I am not really sure what to do but I need to do something and make a change in my life. This hurts.

    in reply to: Please Help Me #91848

    To me his answer itself was even manipulative because it is apart of this hot and cold trend. He has been doing this for over a year trying to string me along and when I say no he will usually reconsider his position and want to try out our relationship again.

    I am glad I said those things as well because it expresses a bit of who I was before I was so broken down. Not someone who is cruel but someone who refuses to put up with bullshit.

    The coldness isn’t so much anger, I think it has more to do with me being fed up. I don’t hate him and I don’t wish anything bad upon him even though I know he will receive his karma for what he has put me through. I don’t even want revenge, I just want him to stay where he is and leave my heart out of this business. He doesn’t even know what he wants and I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to be in a relationship with me in a couple of months. I wont rejoice when his life begins to crumble and the sad part is I already see it happening. He just dropped out of school and he is continuing the weed smoking and I believe he is setting himself up for these things to happen. I am very compassionate so I feel like it will be a bit difficult for me to watch him cry out to me and not react in a loving way, maybe I will be strong enough to help him but not to want a romantic relationship with him at that point.

    This psychic was spot on about everything ! She told me things about myself that I have never said aloud to anyone. And at first of course there were things that didn’t make the most sense but over time as I stayed in the relationship I knew exactly what she referring too. She told me that my ex would say that he has an insatiable appetite and a few months later while discussing why he treats me the way he does he told me “that he cant stop”. I thought the two really connected. I could go back to her but she has pretty much told me everything I need to know and she also recorded the reading for me so that I could revisit to search for clues or answers pertaining to my life.

    I do mean it when I said I don’t want to see him or speak to him ever again but i do understand my feelings may change overtime. I feel like I really need to put my foot down because he never takes me seriously enough. Even if it is for a year of no contact what so ever, that is what I need to do to be taken seriously.

    Initially my conversation with him made him sad because he essentially manipulated me into believing that he wanted to get back together and I have a very short lived hope of that happening. I do believe that he does want me to be in his life but it isn’t the time for him. I am just not willing to be put on the back burner while he goes and enjoys the luxuries of being single while having me to fall back on. He is a contradiction and at one point he is saying he is focused on getting somewhere in his life and want us to take things slow with me yet doesn’t have the time or attention to be my boyfriend but has the time to entertain other girls and go out and smoke weed? Priorities ? I think not.

    If he does end up trying to win me over which I believe he will do in time I believe it will all boil down too whether I really want to explore that road again. I have become so much stronger and I realize that around him I instantly feel weak and that can’t be a good feeling. I will be a lot stronger also by that point and their is a huge possibility that I might not even want to entertain this person anymore and politely decline.

    It is actually funny because I got on the phone with the friend that he reached out too after my exchange with him and while I was speaking I got a phone call from a blocked number. My new phone number is not given out to a lot of people , mostly very close friends and family so I do believe it was him calling me since he always does this. I really don’t hate him I just feel very tired of his B.S.

    I also am realizing that my love is beginning to have a limit. I can’t continue to love someone that hurts me at every chance he gets.And most importantly I am beginning to also see him as the crazy person that he is ! Everything he does it just completely insane and throughout it all he still believes he a good guy! CRAZY!

    in reply to: Please Help Me #91842

    He ended up responding to my message in a nut shell telling me that he doesn’t want to upset me but that he doesn’t want a relationship because he needs to focus on his life. And that he loves me and blah blah blah

    My response: Yea, I don’t want to do this with you anymore , so bye.

    His response: Alright, sorry for wasting your time then. I still love you , call me if you need anything I am here and will always be.

    My response: Read what I am saying to you very carefully: Keep your supposed “love” for me to yourself” I have no interest in your distorted idea of how someone loves another person. Don’t count on me calling you for anything that I might need. You wont be hearing from me or seeing me ever again. Oh ,and hope you enjoyed the sex asshole , Now fuck off. Oh , and I almost forgot ! Don’t even bother responding because I will be blocking and deleting your number from my phone.

    I know my response may have seemed cruel but I am so done with feeling used ! I all of sudden developed this instant coldness in my heart for him like something I have never felt before. I am no longer scared to see how he might view me I just wanted my voice heard for once. I doubt he really got the severity of what I was saying and the fucked up part is that I can almost bet that he will try to reach out or contact me again at some point in the near future ! This isn’t love and if it is then I don’t want anything to do with it. I am pretty sure he is shocked about the way I responded since I have never been that forward before . I saw a psychic over a year ago and she told me that the moment I dismiss him and stop falling for his ways that he would begin to suffer for what he has done to me. She told me to guarantee his return sometime in august .She told me that he will always be back and that overtime he would cry to me and try really hard to win back my affections. I think that this may be the start to that.

    in reply to: Please Help Me #91756

    In addition , it is so weird the whole push/pull dynamic ! I understand the concept of wanting things that we cannot have and this exactly pertains to our relationship. The moment I start ignoring him he realizes I am something worth pursuing and I mean contacting my friend and finding any means necessary to get into contact with me , even creepy things ! He also told me that If I were to reject him, or if I were to ignore him or not respond that he would find me by any means and continue to try because he believes ultimately that he wants to be with me. If this is all really true then I have came to the realization that I need too see these things come to pass. I shouldn’t be so easy to just call whenever he says and make myself so available that he stops trying. It would be interesting to see whether these things he says are true.

    in reply to: Please Help Me #91755

    Thank you so much for your response ! I swear I haven’t gotten this much support anywhere and it feels good ! I agree with everything that you are saying. This morning I found myself at the beach torn once again because the situation just did not feel right. I ended up deciding that I am no one’s back burner. What I know very well are his patterns of behavior and this situation is where we were a year ago while he was cheating. He is always attempting to keep me around while he goes off and has his fun because I do believe that ultimately he feels like I am the long term plan for his life. I understand being young and having your fun but what makes me the most upset is the inability to see that this time in our lives is only temporary so why not make the correct decisions ? I am also really young however I understand the importance of people and relationships and wont waste meaningful connections on temporary flings. I think it is a lesson that he needs to learn because he doesn’t exactly believe or understand that there will not be anyone that will be there for him like I was and maybe that something he needs to figure out on his own. I thought really hard about what I was going to do because honestly for a bit I thought I would just go back and try once more. I thought about what he was really asking me to do and also a lot of the points you were making as far as this being a decision that we are both making. I understand that the relationship isn’t about power but I really took to heart that while I am feeling helpless I really have so much power in the situation. In a really fucked up cruel way that no one can understand I do feel as if he loves me and I feel like I need to use that and this situation to my advantage. I think the power dynamics in our relationship are partly my fault because I was so afraid to lose him that I let go a lot of what I believed in thus not enforcing boundaries. It isn’t an excuse it is a lesson I have learned and will apply here and in other relationships. In a crazy way I believe that the universe is recreating this situation in order for me to do the right thing for myself! This is exactly how it manifested the last time and he would ask me to wait a couple of weeks for him to “fix” things. I ended up texting him this ” After giving it some thought I understand everything you were saying yesterday and I completely agree ! No need to have a follow up convo about this matter, I see what you were trying to get through to me.” I wanted it to be really friendly however little does he know , is that I am again starting no contact in attempts to move on. I don’t want to lie and say that I don’t have hopes of us being together in the future. I see a lot of potential in him if he was willing to just change these ways of his. I do feel like it takes losing someone to realize what they were worth but how could he even begin to do that when I never allow him the space to feel like I am gone forever? I think it is his time to suffer now. (Not trying to be vindictive just being real)

    in reply to: Please Help Me #91735

    I want to be honest so that I can truly learn from my mistakes and make good decisions. I began feeling really guilty for not calling him so I gave into the pressure and did. He told me that he loves me and he was hoping that we can take the relationship slow. He sounded upset that he hadn’t heard from me. I agreed to meet with him yesterday and when we began to talk about the relationship everything he said before about our relationship had changed. He said he still wanted to take things slow with us but that he wants to focus more on the friendship and that his feelings for me and his decision to get back together with me might change , that it was a possibility. I asked him about boundaries like whether he would be dating other people and he really didn’t have a solid answer for me. After this we went to eat and spent some alone time together which was nice. He told me that he needs/wants me in his life and that he wants me to be the mother of his children. We kissed and did other really intimate things and I ended up spending the night at his house. Last night, I was driving back to his house in which he was sleeping in the passenger seat. His phone buzzed and got a text from some girl. I don’t know who it was but I am sure he is speaking to other girl and maybe this is why he is hesitant to commit to me fully? This morning when I woke up he asked to see me again and I told him that I would have to think about everything because he wasn’t very clear on what he wanted to do with our relationship. He asked me to call him in a week and that he would have the exact plan and exact guidelines for what he intends with me and the relationship. He is asking me to call him because I refused to give him my new contact info. It is kind of messed up but parts of me really do love him and would love to get back together, it’s just that I see that he really is so unsure about me and I need someone who will choose me without hesitation. I am debating on whether or not to call him, I feel like after everything we did yesterday it would be really bitchy to not call and to ignore him. And another part of me is saying that if I truly want to be with him I need to let him go so he can be afraid of losing me and realize what he lost. Help?

    in reply to: Please Help Me #91173

    Thank you both so much for your responses, I have been re-reading them in times where I feel like I need the support.

    I am so sorry that you have had to endure such a horrible relationship however it is really good to know that someone out there is going through some of the same things I am. I really believe the feelings of guilt stem from the person that I am and the values that were instilled in me growing up. I agree with you, eventually the drug abuse and people abuse will catch up to them at some point in their lives and I believe it will be at that moment that they wish us back the most. I am still really working through all the emotions of being apart from someone I loved for so long but I am confident that with time I will be able to really separate myself from him and the relationship. I hope you are doing well , and I hope that you continue to stay strong during this really difficult time. I think about the relationship very deeply and I have decided that I really owe him no explanation, no contact , and no friendship. Even friendship would be a privilege that he would eventually exploit, a privilege that he doesn’t deserve.

    I am going to really try to stay strong. What worries me is that I do believe he will continue to try to get into contact with me and I believe his efforts will become more frequent and more aggressive as I continue to ignore him. Anyways. Thanks again for the response !

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