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  • in reply to: Moving on. Too much pain. #97740


    Thank you for your help. I promise I’m working on bettering myself. Working out and focusing even more on school. Picking up new hobbies and learning how to cook more things.

    Hopefully love comes full circle and someone gives love again.

    In the mean time, I’ll just stay silent, under the radar and working on myself. I heard it’s not good to date people after a long term relationship because you can’t focus on what went bad and focus on yourself. So I won’t date anyone til I’m ready. Although a lot of people say dating is the best way to get over everything. Who knows? That’s not my style.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Moving on. Too much pain. #97730


    You are an angel. Thank you so much for your kindness. You give me perspective and make me accountable. I hope one day I can share with you my progress. Maybe our paths cross again, maybe I find someone else.

    I wanted to give up yesterday. I was ready to just roll over and do nothing. I couldn’t see anything positive in the future for me. I felt like i lost the only thing I had going for me.

    I’ll just stay out of sight out of mind. Give her space. I guess that’s all I can do. Maybe she will miss me. Maybe. I don’t think so. She told me we had no chance of being anything ever again and I’ll take her word for it.

    It’s a tough pill to swallow.

    Thank you again Anita.

    in reply to: Moving on. Too much pain. #97721

    Well I guess I just assumed they were normal. I thought every couple had its ups and downs. It started when I was 17. I turn 21 this Sunday.

    We saw each other when we could. But for her it wasn’t enough. And the last few months I really tried. But I got rejected. That was pretty much the reason why it ended. Our time.

    I guess I just messed up. I’m so sorry. I really did try too that’s what hurts. I hope I love and get loved again like she did. She was the best thing to walk into my life. It hurts so much seeing her gone with another guy

    in reply to: Moving on. Too much pain. #97703

    Honestly I don’t know. I’m not a drinker nor a smoker. Not s party person. Perhaps sleep would make me better. Or the new camera I’m buying arriving. As far as it goes for people, I don’t know. Hanging out with all of my guy friends. I don’t want another girl yet. I’m not ready for anything.

    in reply to: Moving on. Too much pain. #97694

    I don’t know. It depends on my healing. I wouldn’t say anything probably. Once you’re out of my life I won’t say a word to you. We talked and it was hard. I’m still hurt. A lot of my friends thought the note would put perspective in her mind knowing what she was doing wasn’t right but I guess not.

    I don’t know how you move on so quick. It hurts bad.

    in reply to: Moving on. Too much pain. #97691

    Thank you so much. Well I did talk to her last month face to face. And that’s when she said we can’t be friends and can’t be lovers down the line even if our paths cross.

    I think of it now saying that was right for her. I don’t want to be holding on to hope thinking she would come back. I still am but the words run through my mind and reassert myself she’s not coming.

    It’s tough. I poured my aching heart into the note. And the night I went to give it to her, I was so scared and when I gave it to her I broke down in the car as I left.

    So we did talk but it hurt a lot. The closure wasn’t what I needed.

    in reply to: Moving on. Too much pain. #97684

    Well we both had conflicting schedules. She took up two jobs and school and we couldn’t find the time. Even though we tried. But this new guy has more time than me. I accept the break up just not the post break up. Even when she told me she wasn’t going to date for a while.

    It hurts so much. I’ve been trying to do things and go out. Focusing on school more and started to work out somewhat. Some days are better than others but today instead of being happy of my no contact milestone, I broke down and cried in my car at school.

    It’s paralyzing really, because usually I’m a happy guy with more optimism than anyone. But right now I’m in a complete different state of mind.

    I would be lying if I said I didn’t want her back. She was my first love and I loved the relationship we built. I’m scared I won’t love or be loved like that again.

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