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  • gia

    Dear Myles, I read the entirety of your post but I am writing in response to your last post in which you mentioned “your parents have mentioned the fact that [you] wore [your] heart on [your] sleeve a bit too much as a child…” I was also that child, and in my teens, and through most of my 20s. I was, looking with my more cautious eyes now, too trusting. Do you think you were too trusting? You said it was probably you were insecure and wanted to meet other people’s expectations, too. I used to have a big aversion to gossiping, as I thought it unfair to the people being gossiped, and I was very uncomfortable whenever I saw those gossipers acting chummy with the people whom they had gossiped/complained about/sneered at. I didn’t understand why the gossipers would exhaust themselves with two or more faces rather than being “simple” (not foolish, but wearing masks seemed exhausting to me). I find that I have since let that go as I grew older. I sometimes gossiped nowadays. It seems to help me fit in better (I used to be isolated from the group because I didn’t agree with being mean, even if it was only behind someone’s back, which I thought was even less honourable). I am replying to let you know that I feel for you. (P.S. edits for the html codes that kept popping up when I opened a paragraph)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by gia.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by gia.
    in reply to: Can someone be too mature? #162320

    Hi Henry,

    It seems to me you are a conscientious person, a deep thinker, and one who has a strong sense of right and wrong who is altruistic. Your list of dichotomies (“If you gave me a choice between putting myself first or putting other people first; I would immediately choose putting others first” etc.) has to be a result of hours of introspection. It sounds like they are part of who you are. The title of your thread, “Can someone be too mature?”, is phrased in such a way as if you are wrong for being the components of different aspects of you. Why did you phrase it that way? Do you judge yourself for the qualities you demonstrated and which you defined as “being mature”?

    It seems to me that you may be much more conscientious and considerate of the welfare of the mass than some of the population. You then said, “My body is almost wanting to give up on me. I feel in pain and my heart is almost physically ready to give up.” Have you entertained the thoughts that it could be a result of stress that you put on yourself to be noble and virtuous in your choices and makeup? In my attempt to connect that piece of information with what you had said and how you had said it, my answer may be off track by a mile.

    In your second post, it seems that religion or being guided by a body of spiritual thoughts has a significant role in your makeup; however, I didn’t understand how it connects to the questions you raised earlier.

    Good wishes,


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