Forum Replies Created
September 26, 2018 at 8:20 am #227605
ParticipantHi Julie
Yes unfortunately letting go is the only way to know what he feels. I can understand how you feel that this is different and special and you feel that there is so much connection. But something this strong from your end has to be reciprocated equally strong or else you will lose a friend and a lover. May be he needs space to realize what you mean to him. In the mean time focus on your life and your happiness outside of him.
Good luck and keep posting
September 25, 2018 at 5:32 pm #227531Gigi
Thanks for your concern. Yes we are ok and safe. He has a bad temper for sure and has attempted and may be borderline raised his hand on me but he knows better I think.
For now till I figure out what is next best thing to do, I am keeping my distance from him. I don’t think he has it in him to do more than emotional abuse but one never knows.
September 24, 2018 at 10:02 am #227017Gigi
ParticipantHi Julie,
I am in somewhat partly in a similar situation like yours and have been before. Based on my experience, you need to walk away from him. The universe has presented this very complex situation to you. Agreed he completes you in many forms and could be your soul mate. But if in fact he is, he will come back to you. But if he is still in love with his ex and they both are still hanging out for whatever reason, he was never meant to be. At that point you would have to understand that you gave him something that he needed. It is not like you both used each other, just that you both converged at a time and place that was momentarily just yours. On the other hand, if he comes back, think about the reassurances and the security your love will get from it. It will build a great foundation for you guys’ future. So at best my suggestion to you would be to move on so that you can come back to this more prepared for later.
September 24, 2018 at 9:47 am #227005Gigi
I tried being that third party and submissive person, someone who initiates taking care of his family. Yet I have only received a third grade treatment and it is difficult for me to keep doing it. I have tIoo much self-esteem to give and then treated like the way I get treated. They wont even talk to me unless and untill I have to cook for him or their grandchild. when they were visiting and staying at my sister in law’s house, they would invite him over but not me. I think I have become older and grown tired of these societal pressures. I was never built for one anyway. So I have requested him that my concept of family is going to be nuclear and just the three of us, he doesnt agree to that and thinks I have betrayed him.
He can be a very abusive man if he wants and also loving, all in the same day. His pride gets hurt easily and when that happens he is scary to be around. I am going to go to a therapist because he doesn’t realize himself how he gets. Can you believe if I say, i also work for a boss who is similar to that?
I think it is our society’s problem. We do not teach boys to be aware of their emotions. We only teach them how to be good in school and extracurriculars. I hope I can teach at least a small fraction to my son so that he grows with some emotional intelligence.
Anita I hope your suffering and experience with “possessive and intrusive” is handled well at this point. Thanks for sharing something, always happy to offer what I can.
September 23, 2018 at 10:38 am #226829Gigi
Yes what I can do is think about my day to day choices that I make with my words and action because I am still not competent enough to take a big decision.
The loss of the sensitive side for my husband comes from his culture and background he has grown up in. We are Indians and may be you are too based on your name. He grew up without a father who passed away when he was little and he has only grown up repressing his emotions and learning to only be practical such that he is securing his family’s future. These are commendable qualities in a man. But what I have seen is that even his family promotes emotional retardness so much so that he is always conflicted between being self-aware vs being hypocritical. For example in a healthy marriage boundaries are necessary. Indian families can be intrusive and possessive of their child and grandchild. While I get that I don’t wish to be treated like a third party in his family and that too after I do a lot for them. So I requested to him that my interactions with them will be lesser. He took offense at that. Long story short he pretty much made it clear that he wishes to share nothing with me and I should do the same. I wish I could help him see that talking about the differences do not have to be critical. Small instances like this have drawn this big gap between us and that’s why we are where we are. He wants a marriage where I just cook and clean and smile for him. I wished for a friendship. He doesn’t wish to be one. He was early on but now he says his love for me has changed and he just wants to keep it business. I feel I know where this is heading.
Regarding my coworker you are right, I wanted a safety net. But I am wiser now to know that I should not look for one, if it is there, it is. If not some other time or in some other form. Even though this person is special to me and I appreciate what he could offer, I need to currently get hold of my situation at home.
Thanks to replying to my posts.
September 22, 2018 at 7:52 pm #226725Gigi
ParticipantThanks Aiyana. My husband is a career driven, family driven guy with a strong sense of pride but also has a sensitive side to him, rather had that, which completely attracted me to him. His sense of responsibility balanced with his sense of ambition and work attracted me to him initially plus he could also be a very kind person if he wanted, but that was 4 years ago. Now he is just critical of me and repulsive. My co-worker on the other hand has a very refreshing personality, he sees me through. He is very kind and caring and gentle but at the same time strong and able. I really do like that about him. He is a great listener and so perceptive…
I wish it was that simple but as someone mentioned here too. I need to seek counseling to figure out what it is that I want. I have had enough ventures in my life, many serious and not so serious ones.. I am beginning to question the integrity of it all.
September 22, 2018 at 10:52 am #226695Gigi
ParticipantThanks for the reply Anita. Yes I do not know what I want. They say if you are not sure there is trouble, then there is. That’s where I am. I am too afraid to take any kind of step – I feel I can’t leave my husband and can also not be with him. I definitely need therapy.
Regarding my coworker, he is considering divorce but in a similar boat like mine. I am not sure what he wants to do right now also. I feel like I am in the eye of a storm.
there is calmness yet there is this craziness. In a perfect world I would leave my husband, and move on but somehow I don’t think that is the right thing to do right now!
September 22, 2018 at 6:46 am #226663Gigi
ParticipantThanks for first rehashing what I wrote and then giving me your input. I think I am not very good at writing this. Let me break it down in a couple of pieces- first my marriage. So no I don’t think it is misguided and disrespectful communication on my part. I never uninvited him to take pictures. I didnt just take any! I will agree to one thing you said is that I am pushing him away… someone described my situation in my marriage as the boy in Oliver Twist- always holding the bowl and asking for more! I think any self-respectful woman in my situation would not want to wait but let go. So now even if he tries, I am shut down. I was vulnerable and poured out to him and I am shut down.
Second piece, my coworker. Regarding what you said that may be it was not as intense for him as it was for me – possible but less possibly so! I could see what he got from it. May be he is processing it! Or else, why does he need to change his attitude towards me? In fact when we were talking, I first confessed to him that wish I had met him 5 years ago. And he asked the same after that, “why was I not in his life earlier?” He told me he likes me and that in me he sees a kindred spirit. I told him this connection we have, and him, they fill a gap in my life, a friend, a true friend that I was looking for! But as we open up more it got difficult for me to not want more. So I am looking for tools to control myself. I dont know if this is common for marriages – especially the ones that are a little more imperfect than others! So I do not want to do anything brash and in fact I have told my friend to also be objective and I will support him in doing the right thing. I know this thing is way too complex for many people to understand. It is definitely a very grey zone and that is why I want to be cautious.
September 21, 2018 at 7:05 pm #226637Gigi
ParticipantDear riris
First awareness and then therapy right? And that’s where you are! You are being self-critical is what I felt. You are bringing your self esteem down. It is easy to just blame yourself for all this. In this case that you talk about, the man is also toxic in some ways- he knew what he was doing and then he suddenly retreated if I understand. One begets the other. Find therapy and counseling that centers you and cleanses you of these things. People take advantage of us and seems like unknowingly you have let them. Everything has a reason. I wish you all the best in this journey.
Thanks for sharing candidly,
September 21, 2018 at 6:49 pm #226633Gigi
ParticipantHi Cat
Extremely sorry about what you are feeling – I empathize with you. I also have trouble keeping people close and act out. If I understand the scenario accurately, seems like what happened is he is just shocked. I believe that subconsciously we have some intentions that inspire us to consciously do something and that is what you did. First and foremost, I don’t think you should blame yourself for any of this, your life is very complex right now and he knew what he was being a part of. Second thing, yes you want to get back to him but also think about if that is the best thing for you right now? Snail mail a letter to him or something, keep your “tabs” so as to speak on him so that when the moment is right and you both are ready you can take this positive step. In the mean time, you need to heal within for your and your daughter’s sake. You need to get better so that you know what is it that you want and how you want to help everyone here.
You are a beautiful person and never forget that. We do things sometimes just because time pressurizes us. Time has kept you guys together for so many years, time will heal it too and I am sure everything will fall in place.
September 21, 2018 at 6:38 pm #226631Gigi
Following up on what I wrote earlier, the only thing that works between us is if we do not communicate. I am an emotional person and my husband is not. When I say emotional, I dont mean crying or whatever, I mean bringing up an issue if I disagree with or have concerns about. For example, he was gone for 2 weeks on vacation and he decided to completely not talk to me for 2 weeks, and this was just something he wanted. Agreed he is allowed to enjoy his time but he gave me no such impression before leaving (either in words or attitude) that he wanted some time alone. When I bring that up as to what precipitated to that, I am the drama queen. It is a catch 22 with him always, several instances, if I communicate, I am a drama queen and if I dont, i am an ice queen. At our son’s first birthday, he was mad at me because I apparently didnt invite him for photos. It is a different issue that I was so caught up with hospitality that I didnt even initiate it. But apparently I should have and should have invited him- as per his arguement with me later. There are strings of situation where this man randomly surprises me by misunderstanding my intentions. So at this point only thing left is me and I want to focus on my life, on what I want to do and how I want to do it. I have tolerated his so called tantrums and the only thing left for me is to do what works best for me. Both parties involved have to learn to speak each other’s love languages, agreed the learning curve for each is different. So I am just letting it go to the universe and palms up having faith that there is some share of happiness stored for me somewhere.
September 2, 2018 at 8:48 pm #224133Gigi
Thank you! Yes I do work and it is a shame I have not given it a better chance this far – time to focus there more! Haven’t gone to a lawyer yet as I do not want to give up on him and us as parents together. Therapy is hit or miss but I am looking.
September 2, 2018 at 8:30 pm #224125Gigi
ParticipantThanks Mark. Yes, my husband was always a workaholic. But he also did find ways to communicate. Communication was not his strongest suit but we did find a way to connect. Now something has changed!
I am struggling to love myself in all this. You are absolutely right – I have dumped myself for him. I think to some extent it is immaterial as to why he changed. Only thing matters is how I get out of this mess internally first since that is the only thing I can control. I need some actionable tasks to help me get out of this rut. My son is young and I need to save myself before it is late. The first step to change this has been the hardest but I thank you for pointing the most simplest and the obvious truth here.