Forum Replies Created
Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello Beni,
I can relate to that very well. I am very introverted and sinsitive which is a cocktail for alienation. I tend to isolate myself, too. I am quite sensitive and I absorb people’s energies, moods. But I have never noticed what you mentioned about the eyes. I personally have the biggest problem with specific people who are loud, overextroverted, drama-creating but also aggressive people. Their energy always overwhelm me… I used to have social phobia. EFT and today Buddhism (meditation, mindfulness, moral codes) helps me a lot.
I have feelings of not fitting in from time to time. But it is quite difficult because at the same time I am satisfied this way. I am a lone wolf. I am used to fight alone and it always worked the best for me.
I am the happiest person just alone. I love nature and animals. From time to time I stil experience uncomfortable feelings when I have to socialize with unknown people or meet complicated personalities. I am working on it and doing much better than a month ago… But I think that deep in my heart I am still looking for reconciliation with these people… that’s probably what my heart needs and I don’t know how to solve it yet. Because it is not that I don’t like people… I need to achieve peace with specific types of people. And I’m trying to do it through my self-acceptance. … I still need a lot of understanding.
“Also suppressing abandonment will wake up self harm.” – Can you explain this, if you want to and you don’t mind writing about it?
☀️ 🪷
Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello Anita,
it appears to me that you are healing more and more, which makes me happy. 😊 Hope you are enjoying peaceful Christmas atmosphere. ☃️ ⭐ (Dec 16, 17:13)
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Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello Beni again,
Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s very interesting for me because I have never noticed this in people’s eyes.
I am sure that other members of tinybuddha will help you more when they get online. They may have more experiences with this than me.
I also find your meditation technigue useful. Do you do any other calming activities? What work do you do?
☀️ 🪷
Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello Beni,
I myself have big and very dark brown eyes. Many people have pointed out that my eyes “glisten” and when I don’t smile, some people think I am sad. But I am perfectly fine. My eyes only appear to be sad to some people.
That’s why you don’t have to worry about the person with such a look. You mentioned: “I feel alienated too and I worry big for the person even if I don’t know her.” Remember that in 95% it is only your projection. It is only what you think, but it is very unlikely that the person is alienated or in troubles.
But of course, there are exceptions. People are worried, stressed, troubled and their emotions can be seen in their eyes. But we need to learn to not let others’ emotions, especially negative emotions, control us.
Can you be more specific about a specific encounter with a person with this look in their eyes? Do these poeple with this look in their eyes remind you of somebody who might hurt you in the past and that might be the reason you have such a strong reaction after seeing them?
☀️ 🪷
December 13, 2024 at 11:53 pm in reply to: How healthy is the idea that you are 100% responsible #440509Jana 🪷
Can you share specific quotes by the wise people? I believe their meaning is the same as yours – we are responsible for what we can control.
I sometimes wonder if these situations in our lives – cancer, children with illness, disabilities, etc. – is a result of Karma from previous lives? I don’t know what some conservative Buddhists would say. Personally, I wouldn’t say so… because this attitude can be too harsh and hard on people.
I had social phobia and when I was teenager I was thinking that it was a “punishment” because in my previous life I had to be either very bad person or tortured publicly… And I can tell you that this thinking didn’t help me at all.
But even when we get cancer or our children are ill, we can take some action. We can fight for a better life and enjoy it. It is much more challenging but I think it is in our power.
☀️ 🪷
Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello James,
I have a czech translation of one great book by Ted Andrews. It’s called “Lexikon zvířecí magie” and I think that it is this book (even though the cover looks completely different): 🙂
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Jana 🪷
Have you ever tried to ask your friend in privacy what is the issue? From what you wrote here, she seems to be a very hurt person. She craves attention, love. She might have gone through a difficult childhood, relationships, …?
What makes you miss her when you are not in touch?
☀️ 🪷
Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello Anita,
“I am not alone in my struggles. Reaching out to supportive communities, like Tiny Buddha, and seeking validation from others who understand can provide comfort and encouragement. My experiences and feelings are valid, and I deserve support and understanding.”
That’s true. No doubt.
Of course, that your experiences and feelings are valid and you do deserve a support. I hope that you can feel it because you yourself are a big part of supportive atmosphere here on tiny buddha. But I also hope that you have enough support, understanding and love in your real life.
It is possible to go through hardships alone. I know it. But understanding, validation from others is needed too. That’s true. Without that, there is still a “void” somewhere inside.
I am a good listener (reader here… well, when I have breaks and can concentrate 🙂 ). But I am not such a good speaker (writer here). I wish we could meet and you can see my understanding and validation of your troubles and I could at least hold your hand for encouragement.
I am happy that you work hard and always remind yourself of eight noble path. I am working on them too. And it helps me a lot.
☀️ 🪷
Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello Anita,
thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts. I hope that this sharing is helpful for you. I’ll come later when I have more time to think about what you shared. (I have difficulties reading long texts on the screen – I lose concentration and then I don’t get the point of the message correctly… And then I reply incorrectly and can cause more harm than good… it is not really the text… but the screen and light which distracts me.)
If you feel you would like to, you can add anything in the meantime.
I wish you a great and peaceful Sunday!
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Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello EvFran!
You are very strong to deal with all these painful life situations.
My boyfriend is a cancer survivor. During his chemotherapy treatment, which was very hard for him (he was on chemo from the morning to the evening 8 days in hospital, then 2-3 days at home and again 8 days on chemo… I think he went through 5 or 6 cycles of this treatment and it was so radical that the chemo was literally killing him. He was like a zombie, unable to eat, move, think, depressed… but today we know that the doctors knew what they were doing…), he said that he wouldn’t continue the treatment because of the unbearable mental and physical pain he was going through. Luckily, he was visisted by a psychiatrist who was very compassionate, kind and educated enough to naturally convince him that it was worth figting for his future life. She knew exactly how to talk to these people.
I was wondering if in your country it is possible to get a good psychologist/psychiatrist who could help your uncle and you to go through this hard period of your lives. Do you have access to palliative care at home? In our country this care is partly paid by health insurances and public sources. They might be able to explain to your uncle all the things around the funeral etc. in compassionate and calm way and they could help you, too.
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Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello Anita,
You are brave to face her. You did a right thing – you protected yourself. And in the end you left her, which was a good decision. However, I can feel (and this is only my subjective feeling from the text) that you cannot leave her in your thoughts, let her go away from your life for good. Is it true?
Maybe you would like to explain it to me? Because with my lone wolf personality and tendencies to run away from bad people I would completely reject her and wouldn’t give her a space in my mind or heart. But I feel that she really hurt you so bad that it is very difficult to let her go. (?)
When you faced her, how did you feel? Was it liberating? Did you ever tell her how you feel/felt about her?
You don’t have to answer, if you don’t want to. I know this is a painful topic. And I respect it. I just don’t want you to let her hurt you again and again in your thoughts. She doesn’t deserve your attention, love or your life at all.
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Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello EvFran,
did you give yourself enough time to process your loss, grieve and to relax after this hard time?
You are not judgemental but you do think about the meeting too much. And then we have tendency to see things which are not really there. You had great time together – you were glad to see each other, you laughed, chatted. I don’t see a problem with the doorbell or that he didn’t look at you often.
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Jana 🪷
ParticipantYes, sure. Explain why you are sad and upset. We’ll get a bigger picture of your problem.
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Jana 🪷
ParticipantThat’s great to read, Arie.
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Jana 🪷
ParticipantHello Elias,
you do not mention this, so I ask. Have you practiced doing music, too? Have you tried to get a rap teacher or learn some (new) rap techniques etc.? What exactly would you like to change? Then focus on that. Imagine that the Beatles practiced 8 hours 7 nights a week before they got really famous. The more you practice, the better you get.
☀️ 🪷