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    Enlightenment is simply being where You already are. Forget everything you know, whatever left is what Enlightenment is.


    It is impossible for man to learn what he thinks, he already knows.


    If I might add………..enlightenment is becoming “aware”.


    Many people plod along in their everyday life.  Which is fine of course. (Being there is no right or wrong…..spiritually speaking.)


    As a new born may look at his/her hand in a state of bewilderment, as if to say, “What is this?”, humans plod through life. When we ask ourselves……wait a moment. What is going on? Why am I here on earth? What is this voice in my head? Etc… this new found thought of “why” and “what” to your being, is enlightenment.




    That is so nice. People trying to define enlightenment. Spent many years chasing that. Dropped that and now it is all good. Still looking for the answer to “What is MU?”


    I can’t believe I have said that.  Really guess rude. But not angry. May be too full of myself?? Eh, who know?? I love that feeling at arriving home. Step out of the vehicle and feel at home. I guess that what one feelings are like. Loosing it all just to having it click in just in the nick of time. The urgency stops. Quietly.


    Another better term may be Awakening! When ones mind gets gradually very still, calm and imperturbable one awakens from this deep dream of Physicality. It is based on clinging to self-identities, sensual desires and false views.  In jhana, mind becomes blissful, luminous, infinite, equanimous, peaceful, then ultimately dark, hollow and empty. Awareness is released of all mental formations, suffering and ignorance to liberation of Nirvana.



    Call it what you will, it is the practice that takes one away from where we stand to enter the stream and finally to cross over.

    What did the blonde say to the other blonde across the river? 1st blonde: How did you get across the river? 2nd blonde: Don’t be silly. You are already there.

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