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    This is a sad one. My sister was diagnosed with cancer. She had a cough that bothered her for a year. She didn’t bother to see the doctors because she had so much to take care of and didn’t think much of it. So, one day she goes to the hospital for this cough. Comes back after test were done. The prognosis is Cancer. Time to meet with the oncologist. Getting this news is heart breaking. She raised two daughters thru school and into college. The third was a boy who was about 5 at the time. Chemo therapy and radiation therapy. The Cancer had metastasized. It at one time was in her brain and she had a tough time walking. Radiation killed the Cancer in her brain and her walking got better. But, the rest of her body was not doing well. She ended up in the hospital with a morphine IV drip. She was knocked out most of the time. But, she wasn’t in pain. When the time came, I was working. I got the call to come over asap. I drove as fast as I could. But, I missed her. I walked out the elevator and saw my mom got the news, she collapsed. My father could not hold her up by himself. My older brother helped them. I felt numb. At the time, I couldn’t cry. I just felt horrible. My sister was a person who made friends easily. Lived in a big complex of a building. During the two day wake, everyone from the building came to say good bye. Incredible!, There was no room to sit. People were outside waiting to come in. It was like the entire building was there. Oh, she lived in a hi-rise in NYC. Everyone, hundreds, she had touched with her life came out to see her. Later, when she was buried. I finally let it go and cried. She was a truly remarkable person.

    From my experiences, I can only say that I am sorry. I hope she gets better. Good luck to you.


    Touch was too much information. Damn auto spell correction.


    Yeah, given answers to Koans is defeating the point of working on the Koan. So I don’t read the answers. Because the real answer comes from the hard work.

    I have been thinking about AI. It can have all the information mankind has learn. But, it still will not be conscious. So, for me touch information is not the goal. It is finding our place. 🙏


    The past haunts us thru our memories. Remembering and thoughts about it, bring us back to those fears. Those emotions come back to the surface again. If you make the attempt to watch your mind then you will see your emotions are very fast. Then, your thoughts will follow to support those emotions. Self observation will help you figure out how your mind works.

    After you regained control over your emotions, you will find that you feel something missing. That is the constant echoing of the mind. The sinking feeling of past. Now you must take courses to change your life. YouTube has Charisma University. Learn how to be charming. Watch some of their videos. When you make people smile, laugh and feel good about themselves, they will seek you out. Then, you also need self defense courses. Go with the wife to learn to protect yourself. This is to regain the feeling of being safe in your own shoes. That is something that abuse takes away. Take it back. It all starts with you. Bring back the positive into your life. Make yourself happy.

    Ok, I know it is silly advice. And, no one wants to think less of themselves by taking life courses. Trying to improve. But, for me, it is about changing focus from the past and abuse to right now.

    I know I am not charming. I speak my mind. Straight forward. This is what I see. Do you know what 99% of people think right after they jump off a bridge or building. They want to stop. Change their minds. Well, you have to change your mind. Make the decision to take control.

    Okay, I know I am not so smart as others nor am I so compassionate. Also, I can be quite rude. But, I don’t want to see anyone hurt themselves. Please.


    Sorry, I really should be minding my own business and not give advice or post anything here. I should stop talking. It gets me into so much trouble. But, being behind a keyboard, I am protected by my selective reading of feedback. I truly am a bad person. Hiding and giving advice that people don’t want or need. Have a happy life.


    Ok, get ready for a disturbing view, …

    The relationship had to start off with some love and kindness! So, how did it get this far off course? Why do you drown yourself in this misery? Do you spend any time kissing and holding each other? I was always told that if you change then everything else will change because nothing arises alone.

    Spend 15 minutes sitting on his lap facing him everyday. Everyday. Make it a ritual. Then tell him to say something nice. That you haven’t heard something nice from him. That you need to feel he loves you. Make him understand. Say you appreciate him but you need to hear the same appreciation. This is about communications. And nothing is more immediate than sitting on his lap and holding him while talking quietly in his ear. If you don’t have a relationship where you can hold each other then where is the love. Being unhappy and keeping it in .. it will only fester into arguments and maybe divorce. If you want love and appreciation then show some too. If you two truly love each other then giving love and caring should result in getting love and caring.

    I know it isn’t easy since you have gotten into this routine of him going to work and you taking care of everything else. But, you need to change it back to him taking care of you and you taking care of him. And both of you taking care of the children. Express yourself or nothing will change for the better.

    I know it sounds simple but isn’t easy. But start the ball rolling. Hug him and tell him you need his help. Asking him to go to counseling will get a negative reaction. Not that he does want a better marriage but he doesn’t want outside help. Someone to take sides or give orders.

    Okay, I know no one believes this will work. And no one wants to try to be the one to initiate being the nice one. That we all think that we deserve better. We don’t want to be the first to apologize. We don’t want to be wrong. Ok, for my rude rant, I was wrong and apologize.


    Whenever there are people involved, there are chances for abuse. It is unfortunate. When there are male leaders, some tend to abuse their position and have inappropriate relationships. This is not limited to Buddhist. Catholic church and their priest. Some of the abused were children. Buddhist has had their share. Are women discriminated against. Of course they have, historically. Not allowed in an all male temple. Women present a serious temptation and distraction. This doesn’t disappear even in our modern age. Some temples allow women in but only under strict guidelines. Must dress as to present a gender neutral facade. Buddhist temples are not a dating or social venue.

    Could ask the Catholic church if they discriminate against women. It will probably be very similar. There may be Saints and Buddha’s but not all members are such.


    First you have to find a Buddhist that is on line??

    Most should be in a room sitting quietly.


    In parenting, you learn that you must take care of yourself first before you can help anyone else. Like being on a plane that has lost air, you must put on your oxygen mask first or you can not help you child. Parenting means you are out to raise your child with every advantage you could possibly give him. It also means that you have to teach them to be good people. Have a moral compass. Ideas of good and bad. When good decisions make for good results and bad decision make for bad results and much regret.

    Helcat, I am sorry you are in so much pain. The stupid saying that what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger, … well, it really doesn’t mean any thing when you are going thru it. I can still remember my wife telling my mother in the hospital bed of trying to be good and take recovery as best she can. Then days later my mom would pass away. I know there is no sense in saying the end is near. But the truth, it hurts. So we don’t mention it. Always presenting a brave face. It was the same with my sister when she passed away from Cancer. Thinking this will probably be the last time I see her. And for some reason, I still feel that I will survive even though I know I will die.

    I really hope you will feel better soon. Tough to take care of a baby when you need so much attention for yourself. Are there any relatives that can visit and help? Neighbors or friends? It is good to hear that you and your husband have found a way of working together to raise the baby. Children will either pull you together or … we don’t say the other stuff.

    Shy? All kids are shy at first. But more exposure to meeting people (the same people) can help allay fears. Shyness can be overcome. Oh, are you talking to the baby? Hearing the sound of your voice. They will pick up on language faster. Oh. to help my daughter I go her this DVD on your child can read. It was a fun and educational DVD to help her learn words. It really did help. TV .. yeah, the electronic baby sitter, programs to help the brain form and learn fast. Understand emotions. My daughter love Daniel tiger.

    OOOoops, rambling. I think I had too much to drink. Nite. Yeah, am going to try to stay off.



    Dear Laven,

    If I were a good person then I would say, …. (warning; watch out)

    Forgive him so that you can let him go. Then build upon your own life with new people. Rejoice in the time you had with him. Don’t feel bad because he left. Feel good that you now have a new opportunity to grow beyond him and onto better things. So, learn to forgive. Make yourself whole again.

    But, I am not a good person. I usually speak my mind and it upsets people. You know your situation is not healthy. You know. What are you going to do about it? Dwell in the sorrow and the hurt and the pain? You know. You know.


    Note: Despise me if you want but it won’t change the facts. You know.


    Thank you Helcat,

    It has been nice to talk with you. Share a story and a laugh. Thanks for that. I feel that I must leave here. I am not good at helping or giving advice. And am thin skinned enough to be easily triggered. Then off with the mouth and then apologizes for what I said. So, not being of good body and not a sound mind, I think I will leave again. Thank you so much for your kindness. I wish you all well.



    Koans only work when there is an intense effort to find the answer to the unanswerable question. The Koan must be absorbed. Everything in the mind and then some. Then bursting from the efforts the answer comes. Do you have a teacher? Sangha? When one sits in silence and absolute stillness, the perception shifts. One is here in this moment and in the stillness. It can feel overwhelming. The two are different methods to arrive at the same point. Paradox indeed.

    I have no desire to be liked or understood. And there are times that I am thin skinned and let out the most outrageous words. But, I do try to be civil (not evil). Don’t always succeed. But try. Shows why I do not have friends. I wish you all well.


    [quote quote=434646]* I want to add a note about Tommy’s post: “Oh, wow, so much.. BS. No not the right word. You seem to be extremely cerebral… There is nothing special about enlightenment… Drop this monkey mind”– – calling Peter’s thoughts and feelings BS? Telling him there is nothing special about what he believes to be special? Telling him to drop his ideas and beliefs? And, sneakily, you say BS is not the right word, but you don’t delete the it. You call him extremely cerebral: Wel, you Tommy were extremely rude here. Personally, I’ll take extremely cerebral over extremely rude any time of the day or night. anita[/quote]I am sorry that you read the words but did not understand the intent. Okay, I was rude. I apologize. The post wasn’t meant for you.

    [quote quote=434649]Thanks Anita you have a wonderful way with words and its helpful to see what I attempt to work through reflected back so succinctly. Though I was taken aback by Tommy’s tone for a moment (a old wound of not being seen or understood showed up) I wasn’t offended. As we were referencing a Zen Koan, after taking the moment, I had to laugh as ‘BS’ is actually a appropriate reply. A Zen master would have no doubt ‘slapped‘ both of us. If I understand correctly the Koan’s are paradoxical and intentionally frustrating the idea being to break (slap) the hold of the grasping measuring mind or something… the imagined Zen Master just slapped me again. 🙂 Tommy’s mention of monkey mind caused me to pause. My process of ‘sitting in a Koan’ (Paradox, dualism) with free flow of thoughts (slowed down by typing them out) actually calms the monkey as it tends to end in silence. But that’s my process and I see why it might find it ‘to much’.[/quote]

    You have an amazing understanding. And yes, I was rude. I apologize for my words but not for my intent. And Yes, An old Zen master would have slapped us both. You know more than you let on at first. Namaste.


    I saw on Youtube John Cena talk about the birth of his babies. He said when his son was born, he just knew he had to protect this boy. That he would give his life for this baby boy. Then he goes on to talk about the birth of his daughter. He said that when the nurse put the baby girl in his hands, he felt that he would kill for his daughter. These are the types of feelings one has in the moment. Luckily as the baby grows so does our sense of responsibilities.

    There are many memories. Such as taking my daughter to day care. I would look at her and see such a beautiful little girl. This was when she was too young for preschool and too old to stay at home and be watch. We sat at the steps of where she would spend the next few hours. She supposedly would have fun playing with other kids and watching TV. But, we sat there and she told me that she does not like that place. She wished to stay home with me. And it hurt me to think I could not do anything to help her. I remember what it was like. And I had to go to work. My wife also worked. NYC is expensive. Soon, she got old enough to go to pre-K. She wasn’t thrilled with the change. But, she soon found it better with a teacher instead of a baby sitter. Soon, we learned she had a learning disability. I knew there was nothing I could do to change this. Spent the entire night awake with this. Going over it in my head and wishing so much it wasn’t true. In the morning, finally accepting it. My wife never did. She kept looking for blame. So, we saved up enough to move to up state NY, out of the city (too expensive). Bought a house in a good neighborhood. Better schools to give her a chance. Schools in the city were over crowded. She just wasn’t getting the services she needed. But, here she got better in school. I do not think of her as disabled. Just different. This year she graduated high school. We came back today from an interview with a college counselor about her courses and any help she can get in school. Really proud of her.

    So, some bad memories and some good ones. Hopefully I get to keep them for a little bit longer. Time flies.


    Oh, wow, so much, … BS. No not the right word. You seem to be extremely cerebral. Chop wood carry water is simple. There is nothing special about enlightenment. Before chop wood carry water. Normal parts of life. After chop wood carry water. Basic part of life. Realizing that there a part of me that is exactly like that part in you. That it permeates the universe. Life remains the same. What is there to experience is natural and unchanging.. Viewing life thru someone else’s eyes? Temporal, measuring, ego? Drop this monkey mind and push forward onto the truth. Good luck.

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