Forum Replies Created
December 21, 2021 at 6:54 am #390188
ParticipantHi Ashley
Whether I have been duped or not as you put it – my boss is not the issue. Its my actions that are the issue and the guilt I feel for those actions which is absolutely eating me up.
I have nothing to achieve by going to HR and this is the very last thing I would want to do.
I appreciate your response but it really hasn’t helped me.
December 14, 2021 at 10:38 am #389890Isabel
ParticipantHi TeaK,
I am extremely grateful for your message, which I am going to read over and over till the words stick. You have helped me (and Anita) to rationalize the situation.
Yes, you have hit the nail on the head with regards to my colleague/ boss. Of course, always a person in power is attractive, and also when that person sees good in you and thinks you are good at your job and is attracted to you, of course, that will give you a buzz. The thing is, I am not looking for someone else and if it was it wouldn’t be my boss 🙂 I knew from the beginning that this behavior is something he would have performed multiple times, with multiple women, I just enjoyed his company. Yes I was attracted and yes I did want to have sex with him, but I didn’t I stopped it, and apart from a couple of times in April when I had two indiscretions (thanks again Anita), the reason for me to stray was due to a need that I needed filling. Yes, I did feel amazing I had a skip in my step I was buzzing at life.
The doctor was not that helpful wanted to fob me off with medication. I have taken the beta-blockers to help with heart rate and I have also signed up for some counseling.
Yes a mother-type, a non-judgemental person would be just what I need.
I am truly, truly grateful to you and Anita for your support over the last week and for taking the time to help me. I hope one day I can help someone like you have helped me.
December 14, 2021 at 4:20 am #389828Isabel
ParticipantHi TeaK,
Thank you so much for your support and for spending the time to read my angst and analyze it in such a helpful way, I am so very grateful.
I think a lot of what you are saying is true and I guess counseling would help. I have had it in the past and didn’t find it that helpful, I sometimes find speaking to a friend better but it’s hard to confess something as big as this and then run the risk that they might say something.
As I type this, I am thinking to myself, what I did although wrong was not that bad if I reframe it. I had self-control, I could have easily gotten carried away with my colleague and had sex with him, there were multiple times he asked me to stay at his or meet him in a hotel all of which I declined.
I think the problem for me is that I have built this up some much and told a story to myself that I am such a bad person and I am going to lose everything because of this, in fact, although it was wrong I was looking for comfort at the time and I found it in someone who had respect for me and saw the good in me – does that make sense?
I have booked a doctor’s appointment for my anxiety to see if there is something they can do to help, I had a bad night last night and work up having a panic attack and palpitations. Thank goodness we can work from home at the moment.
December 14, 2021 at 4:06 am #389826Isabel
ParticipantHi TeaK,
Thank you so much for your support and spending the time to read my angst and analyse it in such a helpful way, I am so very grateful.
I think a lot of what you are saying is true and I guess counselling would help. I have had it in the past and didn’t find it that helpful, I sometimes find speaking to a friend better but its hard to confess something as big as this and then running the risk that they might say something.
As I type this, I am thinking to myself, what I did although wrong was not that bad if I reframe it. I had self control, I could have easily got carried away with my colleague and had sex with him, there were multiple times he asked me to stay at his or meet him in a hotel all of which I declined.
I think the problem for me is that I have built this up some much and told a story to myself that i am such a bad person and I am going to lose everything because of this, infact although it was wrong I was looking for comfort at the time and I found it in someone who had respect for me and saw the good in me – does that make sense?
I have booked a doctors appointment for my anxiety to see if there is something they can do to help, I had a bad night last night and work up having a panic attack and palpatations. Thank goodness we can work from home at the moment.
December 13, 2021 at 9:29 am #389818Isabel
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you again for your ongoing support.
Firstly with regards to my parents they are quite the opposite now. They are no longer critical of me – in fact very proud of me. My mum is supportive and I have gone to her with my problems but she has very bad anxiety and worries more than me and I don’t like putting things on her. My father is now 87 and my mum cares for him. I don’t want to put stress onto either of them. They are definitely no long critical of me. They do however identify the faults in my husband but also see his good qualities. They are also very close with his parents and we are both two small families who have come together. I love his parents very much and would struggle to not have them in my life also.
I definitely need to sort things out with my husband and change the dynamics in our relationship. I just struggle when I am in this headspace where I feel guilty for what I have done. In my head what I have done is worse than the way he treats me and I guess society would also see it that way.
I also don’t want to break up our little family and it would absolutely break my daughter and I don’t want to do that to her. I just need to find my strength to get over this pit of the stomach feeling and awful anxiety.
December 13, 2021 at 3:59 am #389808Isabel
ParticipantHi Anita,
Everything you say makes complete sense. I also think my inner critic has also come from my husband as he is also very critical. He is a very clean and tidy person and has high standards (which I don’t meet) he is the one who does the house work, he will always get to it before me and then if I do do it, my efforts are not good enough. He seems to be able to do things in a very neat way and Iam just not like that, so he is very critical of me. Unfortunately my daughter has also taken after me and she is not neat and tidy, and he is critical of her.
I still feel stuck and anxiety is bad, I have lost all of my confidence suddenly and need to try and get back to my old self. Do you have any suggestions for how I can train my inner critic?
Thank you Anita
December 11, 2021 at 3:08 am #389668Isabel
ParticipantHi Anita, I am overwhelmed by how much support you are giving me right now – thank you so much. It has really made me start to think about things.
Firstly, let me give you a bit more insight as to what happened this year. I also want to start by saying I absolutely do not want to be with my co-worker – I have massive respect from him, he is actually the CEO of the company so I think it is more the attraction of ‘man in power’ .
We work in an industry that has been massively affected by the pandemic. We reduced the team from 100 down to 20 and we have all had to work v hard. This on top of having to homeschool and be at home under one roof was getting too much at the beginning of the year. When I was offered the chance to spend 1 day a week in the office it was obviously great to be able to get out of the house. So in January, I started going to the office on a Tuesday and this is when the flirting started. At that point I was clear this was just a bit of fun, but we became friendly and as I said by April we had crossed the line a couple of times. At that point I realised that I do not want to go down this path and told him there and then which he respected. I felt guilty but was proud of myself for stopping it. I am very attracted to him but purely attraction more like a fantasy – not love. I am also a realist and know that I am probably one of many. Pre Covid there were rumours he was up to this kind of stuff with other employees. I was just lapping up the attention and liked the fact that he found me attractive. He even said he is happy with his wife and family. This is also where I also get stuck because I can’t understand how men can separate the two and not feel guilty.
I have always worried about doing the wrong thing and I think this definitely stems from my childhood and having very strict parents. I was always accused of stuff that I hadn’t done and toughly disciplined when I made mistakes. I remember finding some money in a purse at school and spending it on sweets, and the guilt ate me up so much that I took my pocket money and put it in the church collection. I also got caught smoking in secondary school and was told by my father that I had caused my mum to have a nervous breakdown. So I guess this great feeling of guilt may stem from my childhood. I also find myself comparing myself to others all the time and I definitely have imposter syndrome.
That being said what I did was wrong but what I am feeling now is that I need to learn from this and find a way to forgive myself. I am going to gain nothing from telling my husband other than hurting him and my daughter. I think as well when my anxiety manifest I always look to attach it to something. I need to find a way to get out of this vicious cycle.
Thank you everyone for replying to me on this thread, you don’t know how much it has helped.
December 9, 2021 at 9:48 am #389634Isabel
ParticipantHi Anita, thank you for your support.
No 2 is a definite no. I think this situation has made me realise that I do love my husband but perhaps there is some work to do in our marriage. I have also realised that I need to look for happiness from him and not from someone else. I just feel like he deserves better than me and should no the truth. He would never forgive me though I no that for 100% certain. Truth and honesty is what he is about.
December 9, 2021 at 9:27 am #389632Isabel
ParticipantYes it does. I have always worried what people think of me and about making mistakes and the wrong decisions. I know if I am honest with myself although what I did was very wrong, I did stop it and it did not result in a full blown affair. I also stopped this back in April/ May and managed to get through the whole summer feeling just fine. I now feel like I have lost myself and am stuck, overthinking this and not letting it go.
I feel like everything is on my shoulders as if I confessed I would ruin so many lives. My Coworker is a grandad and has many children and grandchildren and it would break his family apart. i would also lose my job which I absolutely love.
December 9, 2021 at 8:59 am #389628Isabel
ParticipantThank you so much to everyone who has responded to me I am so very grateful.
Unfortunately the guilt is still eating me up and I cannot shift the anxiety. I have so much self loathing right now. I spoke to my colleague yesterday to say how I was feeling and he said he didn’t understand and that he must be a selfish person because he doesn’t feel guilty.
I look at my little girl and feel like such a bad mum. I don’t know what is wrong with me, just wish I could pull myself out of this black hole.
December 3, 2021 at 10:37 am #389363Isabel
ParticipantThank you Anita for your response and for not judging me. I still feel horrific but you are right I am going to feel even worse if I tell my husband, hurt him and break up our family. I just have let myself down and gone against my moral compass. I am a loyal and honest person and it goes against what I believe by being disloyal. The only way I can justify it is that I need it at the time, but then I just feel selfish.