Wow Becky, darn near everything you have expressed applies to me also, and I am an old guy. Like you, I had been pretty much only anxious in social situations but a bad career move on my part caused panic attacks and now overwhelming anxiety over everything that just won’t let up. I did pretty much get over the panic attacks except I still do have them when I first wake up, around 4 or 5 am. Guess I can’t guard against them then. But the general anxiety is paralyzing. I procrastinate and that causes even more problems. I feel I am not me anymore, if anyone can understand what I mean. I too am looking for a way to just shut all this off and be normal again. There has to be. It started like a flip of a switch, we just need to find a way to flip the switch to the off position.
Sorry I don’t have a cure for you. I just want you to know you are not alone.