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August 16, 2019 at 7:38 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308205
You are absolutely right. I am so aware that healing isn’t a linear process and that there are certain things in life that take a looooooong while to process. Whilst rationally I know that it’s still so draining to feel in such intensity sometimes. And I am grateful for getting out of the hell hole but sometimes i’m really just like sh** I’m so god damn tired of being sad now!!!!! Meh, nonetheless we keep on keeping on!
The plan for this weekend is most definitely bed, pj’s and Netflix. I have 0 energy for any form of socialising of any sort, I really just want some peace and quiet by myself and may even squeeze my little but extremely needed cry in there (yaaaay!). I think that’s one thing I definitely miss when living with my family, at least I could shut myself in my bedroom and have an ‘early night’ but really sit up for a few hours having a cry. Living with Mr A means that I have no space to do that now because he is just as welcome as I am in the bedroom! But I’m hopeful that he has made some plans of his own for this weekend so that I can have some breathing space.
I also completely hear you regarding doing what’s best for you. I think feeling like I am failing friends or family members is a major thing for me (I’m aware though and working on it). Sometimes it’s almost like I feel responsible for the way others around me are feeling and do everything and anything to lift their spirits! Actually I had a situation on the day of my move. I had taken one day off of work to do as many runs to the new property as possible and try to organise as much as I could in the new place so that I could go back to work the next day. My parents were due to fly back into London that same morning around 6am and asked if I could collect them and drop them home because my little sister needed to be at school for 8:45am. Despite knowing i’ve got a hectic day ahead of me, being the person that I am I agreed. So I woke up at 5am to head to the airport and saw a message from my mum to say that their flight had been delayed and they won’t arrive in London until 2pm that afternoon. At that point I knew it would’ve been impossible for me to drop everything I’m doing with the move and go to the airport, all the way back to my family home and then all the way back to the flat, I would’ve got absolutely 0 done! But I still couldn’t find a way to say no even though it was stressing me out to say the least. I was in a full frenzy trying to get as much done as possible etc to the point that I actually broke down with my other sister in my car and she said to me ‘It is not your responsibility to take care of others! It is not your responsibility to try and make everyone happy all the time!’ and she actually had a separate word with my mum who was oblivious that I needed to be left alone as this is already too much for me.
And it is true. Whenever someone is feeling bad I feel personally responsible for it when I shouldn’t! It’s kind of in my nature, but I am working on it.
Ah weddings are always fun eh! (NOT!) Actually the wedding that me and Mr A went to recently captured a very sad photo of me haha!! We had been off with one another the whole day and then when we got to the wedding I was clearly upset looking at a newly wed couple and wondering just how bloody far away that bliss is for me and the look on my face in the photo!!!! Oh it said a million words!!!
I hope you do enjoy it as best as you can! I do love your little sober escape plan though just in case! It’s always good to have options 🙂
ParticipantHi Winterfront89,
I mean the fact in itself that you are able to acknowledge that your mother has narcissistic personality disorder is amazing in itself so well done! That’s the first and probably the hardest step done..
(My partner of nearly four years also has a narcissistic mother and even a quick mention of this sends him absolutely through the roof! He is in complete denial and how dare anyone speak of his mother in this way when she is an absolute saint?!)
The next step would be to exercise some healthy boundaries. Know that your mother may react in extreme ways to this as it is not something that she is used to (not getting her way). Remember that you don’t have to leave her, you don’t have to walk away, but to continue a relationship you’re going to have to put some boundaries in place. In this, you will be able to focus on your personal development whilst not neglecting your ‘responsibilities’ to your mother..
The thing with narcissistic mothers and their children is that the idea of ‘you have children to raise them and then let them go’ is non existent. The ongoing expectation for your world to revolve around your parents (or mother in this instance) is going to remain forever and as hard as it is it is entirely down to you to break that cycle.
It is normal for grown up’s to have their own life, to make their own decisions, not based on the likes of their parents, to seek their own experiences etc.
It may not be an easy ride but I genuinely wish you all the best on this journey!
August 16, 2019 at 6:08 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308187Kkasxo
ParticipantHi ladies,
I hope you’re both well!
Apologies for going awol again for a few days, for some reason the recent time has been particularly hard on me again! Whilst still trying to keep my spirits up I suppose sometimes you just can’t win and just have to sit through it.
I’ve been feeling an intense need to just cry recently and am finding it difficult as I really need some peace.. I absolutely do not want any attention from Mr A, family or friends, I simply just want to have a good old cry and perhaps that’ll release some of the excess emotions!
It’s very disheartening when the ongoing sadness is just constantly present despite my best efforts to keep going. I’m feeling a little stuck again lately so just trying to look internally to get to the bottom of this sadness.
Shelby, I’m so pleased to hear that you are actively looking into your travel plans now! I am so excited for you and in absolute awe of your bravery! I mean during the last year I have gone from a social butterfly to an absolute loner, by choice, and I don’t even think i’d have it in me to plan a four week trip away in foreign land by myself! So honestly, kudos to you! It look’s like i’ll be hearing from both you and Michelle soon about all the beautiful places in the world that you are exploring!
I’m stuck in the UK unfortunately as the flights to go back home are too expensive.. There is also a part of me that feels obliged to stay behind as my younger sister is here on her own so I am making extra effort to see her every weekend so she doesn’t feel too alone! But I look forward to hearing all about your sunny adventures!
August 7, 2019 at 3:18 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #306965Kkasxo
ParticipantMorning Michelle,
Hehe that does sound like a real mare! At least you have a story to tell eh 😉
It is interesting you speak of love languages as I brought that up in our ‘serious’ conversation last night with Mr A. We have both been quite distant with one another the last week, sitting in separate bedrooms, not communicating throughout the day etc and whilst it was exactly what my mental needed at the time I have come to realise that it is just not natural, it is not in my nature to behave that way. I am and always have been a caring person who loves to reach out to those I love, ask about their day, consider them in my choices for the evenings whether it be an activity or simply what to have for dinner and those things are amplified when living together so to not be able to do that has been a relief but also a struggle at the same time. I was very open and honest about feeling like I am not loved. Feeling like my needs and my emotional well being has been neglected. I was also appreciative of the fact that if he truly believes he has tried it all, then that’s absolutely fine but it is clearly just not enough for me.
It’ll be 4 years together in October, he knows my love language inside out by now, and I know that because making sure I feel loved, safe and secure at all times has never been a problem for him in the past!
I do think you’re right about the pedestal thing though. I do believe I’m still holding on to a lot of anger, disappointment and grief towards him for letting me go at the worst time of my life. But I think we are both slowly coming to the conclusion that that’s never really going to change… I mentioned in my last post all the things I used to love him for and how those are not things I can love him for anymore… Unless he proved to me that the events of last year were a mistake and he has learned from them and that he is indeed the good man that I loved, the caring man, the man I thought he was, then I don’t see my attitude towards him changing as I will always and forever be on edge and as a result I won’t be able to openly and freely and most importantly fully give myself away to him.
Lets be honest, he has had more than enough time to do that right?
And I realise I just feel sad all the bloody time! I’ve been sleeping loads recently but not actually resting, I feel tired all of the time. And I realise that emotionally processing your feelings is very tiring. But my point is if I am not going to be loved then i’d much rather be on my own than sharing a bed with someone who feels ice cold to me! And I did say that to him last night too…
In any case, at least I am exploring these things now… at least I’ve worked enough on the trauma to be able to shift my attention to this now even if it’s a little bit.
Shelby, can’t wait to hear from you! X
August 6, 2019 at 12:48 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #306793Kkasxo
ParticipantMorning both,
Yes Michelle, the exhaustion is definitely showing through at the moment!
The thing about myself & Mr A is that technically we’re not in a ‘bad’ place.. But things just aren’t the same anymore. We find ourselves sort of in a never ending cycle of my needs aren’t being met and then he will turn distant and then I’ll try my best to be loving (because he specified that as one of his needs) but he will kind of ignore my advances so then I turn distant and it’s a cycle that never ends and we are two quite frustrated unhappy people at the moment.
Now whilst I understand that us getting back together post trauma meant that we would be building a completely new relationship, I wonder whether perhaps too much has happened to ever really be happy together again, despite loving one another. Also, I’m not sure if this is really the case as I haven’t explored enough but the way to describe it is I love him, but I am not in love with him. When I try to think of all of the reasons I loved him before it was because he was a good man, because he unconditionally cared for my heart always, because he was my rock, because he was my safe place, my joy.. and it made me want to do everything for him because I knew he always did the same for me. Now do I think he’s a good man? Probably somewhere deep down but I also now know a very very ugly side to him which initially shocked me, does he unconditionally care for my heart? Absolutely not.. Is he my rock? No! I picked my own self up, by myself, for myself through the nightmare of the last year! Better yet, he LEFT me to pick up the pieces by myself! Is he my safe place? Well how could he be when he was the reason behind the nightmare?! So my PTSD here is already sending triggers through me to protect me. My joy? Well yeah, we have a laugh because thats just how we are.. But does he make my heart feel light with joy because I am so proud to stand by such a good man? Is my heart full of joy because this man is absolutely making my dreams come true? I don’t think so..
It’s a lot to think about but I’m taking a bit of a back seat approach because I realise the mind/heart war is just not worth it. So I’m trying to analyse everything from a distant angle so to not cause myself too much upset.
Shelby, I hope you’re ok! Can’t wait to hear from you xx
August 5, 2019 at 9:26 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #306649Kkasxo
ParticipantHi ladies,
Apologies for the lack of posting recently, I needed a little break away from everything since the anniversary.
It has been a tough ride, on the day the flashbacks and everything was kicking the absolute sh** out of me! I was so angry at my brain for putting me through that, honestly. On a normal day I am so amazed by how our bodies and brains can develop certain behaviours etc to protect us and keep us safe and then on days like those I wonder why they choose to remind us of all of the bad in this world! Nevermind, I have survived! Although (thankfully) the PTSD side of things has eased off since the day, I’ve now found myself in a bit of a ’empty’ zone.. Completely emotionally detached but very easily irritable. Now I know from myself that this is just a sign of being tired, both physically, emotionally and mentally. Doing all this never ending personal work whilst holding down a job, a barely there situationship (because it isn’t a relationship really..) and now a household is hard work and it shows because most days my brain feels like scrambled egg, I can’t even focus on work! I may just fly off somewhere week after next completely on my own to get my well deserved rest, I will be looking for flights tonight!
I just looked through some of your recent posts and it seems I’m not the only one who’s been having a bit of a rough time lately. Shelby sweets, on one hand I am sad that you are sad but on the other I am so pleased as there is a lot of raw and uncensored honesty and truth in your posts. You are dealing with A LOT! And whatever emotions are associated with that are absolutely 100% okay. It is true, some people (lucky buggers) don’t really spend too much time worrying about their life, they haven’t experienced trauma or hardships but unfortunately life is unfair in that way and some of us get served the sh**ty things..
You mentioned in one of your posts that meeting your ex wasn’t worth the pain you are dealing with now as a result. And do you know what? So be it! I feel exactly the same about Mr A. Meeting him and our beautiful three years together, no matter how perfect, were simply not worth any of the losses I incurred because of our relationship. I damn near enough lost my life ultimately because of this relationship, absolutely not worth it! But with that in mind, it is done now, had I known then what I know now maybe things would’ve been different, but they aren’t. And yes I would do anything in the world to be able to go back in time, make different choices, walk away the first time he said hello! Ah how I wish! But I can’t. That is an extremely difficult thing to accept but there is literally no other choice. So we keep moving forward, because we can’t go back..
We have good days, bad days, distracted days, empty days, days where the only good thing that’s happened is the fact that it’s 5PM and I get to go home from work, and days where all I do is sleep all day! But time keeps moving forward regardless..
I think you need to be super kind to yourself in this time because it feels to me like you are doing a lot of undercover work on yourself which even you may not be aware of. As difficult as it may be, try to focus on little joys for the time being. Remember that time when I was absolutely at the lowest of the low and I forced myself out of bed just to go to Tesco to buy myself my favourite expensive coffee so that I have something to look forward to? So that for a moment I can feel happy? It sounds really sad but that was my reality.. And those little moments are what eventually helped to get me out of the hell hole.. Also journal, journal everything and anything. There were days when I used to journal 10/15 times a day, small tiny details but it was a release. I needed all of these overwhelming feelings and thoughts to be released from my mind otherwise I would’ve gone crazy!
And keep talking, keep venting. Allow yourself to be sad, angry, upset, disappointed, fuming at all the bad stuff that has happened! And then work on letting it go..
Be patient with yourself, these things take time… unfortunately.
July 17, 2019 at 12:57 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #303683Kkasxo
ParticipantMorning Shelby,
Thank you for your kind words as always. It is true, I have come a long way and into the light but on days like this PTSD is really kicking the sh** out of me! Since last night my mind has been nothing but a trigger zone, I woke up at 6am this morning crying my absolute eyes out (this hasn’t happened in a while). I am on edge, my mind keeps wandering to the events of last summer and no matter how much I try to stay focused on the present it just keeps re-routing and doing it’s own thing. Very frustrating as you then think ‘Hey brain! Why are you doing this to me?!’ I feel it’s going to be a long, sad day full of fear and tears. Full of torment and horrible horrible memories that I would rather forget but hey.. all part of healing right?
It’s crazy to hear that your subconscious is almost reassuring you that your plans for travel are going ahead. On the other hand, it’s a good thing. People all say that we have a subconscious and gut feelings to listen to them, humans many many years ago used these things for survival so we have to let it do its thing. I’m guessing as you have been pondering over the idea of travel on a serious level the last few days your family aren’t yet aware? What do you think they’d think of it all? Also, would it just be Australia that you want to go and explore or are you planning to do a trip somewhere else as well?
Just on a side note though, you’ve absolutely complimented my progress in acknowledging my feelings & triggers but Shelbs, you’re doing just the same! You realise that you may be sad, hurting, disappointed, a little lost, you’ve admitted those things, but yet you are trying your best everyday and coming up with solutions to better yourself. Proud moment!!!!
July 16, 2019 at 9:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #303577Kkasxo
ParticipantHi both,
Definitely a little bit of an emotional/intense time for me at the moment.
Tomorrow marks another one of those anniversary dates and whilst I keep reminding myself that I am safe and okay my mind seems to be subconsciously wandering back to the events of summer 2018. Honestly, on one hand the human brain is so incredible and on the other it is absolute torture! Why would I want to picture or re-live any of that again?! It is like a nightmare but in pure daylight, and ongoing! So it is tough at the moment, very overwhelming again.. I even found myself thinking ‘goodness I can’t possibly get through tomorrow!’ which is frustrating as it is a complete bad taste in my mouth from when I was in a really really bad place.
But if there is anything that I have learnt over the last year is that no amount of distraction will resolve or make you forget about all of the emotions and thoughts running through your body/mind, so I am just trying to sit with it and accept that it is just a sad time, I am entitled to feel sad, to feel hurt, broken or whatever it may be. If I need to cry then I need to allow myself to cry etc etc, that’s the approach I am trying to take. Don’t get me wrong, taking this approach almost feels like a death trap knowing just how badly it can spiral BUT it is the only way to work through these things effectively.. Or so I’ve learnt for myself anyway. So fingers crossed for me 🙂
On a side note, I think my family may stay an additional few months. I say that but they’re leaving for the summer next week and are coming back in September and then they have to be properly moved after Christmas as my little sister will have to start school mid year. So I’m grateful that I get more time with them whilst settling in.. It definitely does feel like if they were to leave next week now for good i’d be absolutely rattled!
Shelbyyyyy, I am so pleased to hear that you’re really entertaining the idea of leaving work and travelling! I feel happy for you! It seems as though it is something that a part of you has been yearning for for a while and so it’s nice to hear that you’re taking the steps forward towards making your dreams come true! I can’t wait to hear on what you decide!
July 11, 2019 at 12:33 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #302941Kkasxo
ParticipantEvening ladies,
Michelle – Yes thankfully I feel a little more settled today! We all knew it would pass right?! It’s just sometimes in the moment that it’s a bit overwhelming. You’re absolutely right, albeit it is still difficult I know this is just another one of those things that I will learn to live with and live through, just the same way I lived through back in february! I’m trying my best to look forward to the weekend away next week, I should be excited so no more sopping about! Life is for living.
Shelby – Yes work is still hectic. But it’s good, it’s keeping me busy. Although I must admit that I am feeling a little drained now and having a real need to get away on a holiday somewhere..
You actually have no idea just how much internal exploring you are doing in your latest posts. It’s actually quite inspiring and motivating.
‘if I make this move, if I travel, does that mean I’m working on myself and growing? Or will I just still feel this way 6 months down the road?’
The answer to that is you just cannot know. You don’t know how you’ll feel in 6 months time whether you travel or not. You wont know how you’ll feel in 6 months time period. And whether you travel or not you are still working on yourself and growing, regardless of what you do. You’re clearly using your energy right now to really pin point your ideologies about life and kids and marriage and work and travel and I think overtime when you really start to check in with yourself you’ll find the answers were there all along.
You mentioned a little while ago that you wanted to change jobs. Getting time off work for 2 weeks for a holiday is tough enough so I can imagine any idea of longer travel will be a nightmare.. If you do decide to travel, perhaps it would be handy to leave work beforehand so that you can travel as much as you want and then when you come back you can start something new, a fresh start?
July 10, 2019 at 2:53 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #302699Kkasxo
ParticipantMorning ladies,
Shelby, easier said than done but I agree with Michelle. You’ve been speaking of travel for quite some time now and I feel like the element of fear is holding you back. Now whilst that is very normal maybe it’s exactly what your soul needs at this point in your life? No matter how much you’ve been putting it off and debating with yourself you always go back to the thought. If you’re worried, why don’t you try a short weekend get away first? Somewhere like Barcelona or something which can be quite cheap and cheerful and not too too far from home. See how that goes and how you are feeling and then maybe you can plan a bigger trip away if that goes well?
I always admire the bravery to travel on your own but I understand it isn’t for everyone. My sister has always been the quiet one, really shy and completely introverted and yet she travelled to Korea and Australia to meet with her BF who travels around the world, all on her own, she had to find her way to meet with him whilst there etc, the long hours on the plane, the change overs, the different cultures. It terrifies me, the social butterfly and yet she did it and did it confidently!
I’ve got terrible anxiety today. I feel nervous, my heart is pounding and just generally uneasy. Although I’ve come a long long way in this whole journey (ever grateful!) I still very much have moments where anxiety or intense emotion hits and it’s still difficult to deal with it.
Funnily enough I spontaneously booked a weekend away to Birmingham with a friend for next weekend. I should be excited right?! Instead I’ve got anxiety and want to cancel at all costs (I even considered completely loosing the money I spent on this just so I don’t have to go). How silly?! But I guess it’s moments like these that are still a gentle reminder that following trauma my brain/mind/soul is still wired all wrong. I’m all for pushing myself out of my comfort zones at this point in my life but having been the outgoing, sociable creature I have always been (prior to trauma) I didn’t realise a simple night away from home would be considered as pushing myself out of my comfort zone! It’s crazy how life changes. I think also somewhere in the back of my mind I’m conscious of the fact that this time last year is when everything happened. The long ass hardcore journey I’ve been on since. It’s all a bit much for me but like my therapist used to say, you’re safe now, it’s done, it’s not happening again. So it’s okay, it’s better and it’ll get even better. For the time being I have no choice but to sit with this feeling and let it pass naturally. On a side note though, can you imagine how anxious I would be if I was in your shoes Shelby? About to book a trip away on my own?! Haha I do have to laugh sometimes!
On a further side note I am so grateful for you girls! Honestly! You both have no idea just how much of a big role you have played in my journey to healing!
July 7, 2019 at 6:59 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #302231Kkasxo
ParticipantAfternoon both,
Michelle you hit the nail on the head with the reference to time there. Shelby, like yourself I had to attend one of them ‘life’ events myself this weekend. We had a wedding yesterday and it was gorgeous and I even got quite teary at one point with my mind in full overdrive about how much I thought my life would’ve been different at this point, about how much i’d love to be walking down the isle looking like a princess in my white dress, seeing men with their wives speaking with absolute pride and honour and there I was.. 4 years in, with no sign of anything like that on the horizon with Mr A and it put me in a very foul mood. Resulted in us arguing and actually having a deep chat about me feeling unsure etc.
I actually journaled last night (something I promised myself to do as and when my emotions/feelings are running a little high and I’m struggling to process) and it helps once you’ve had a few hours away BUT it’s sad to read back knowing I don’t feel that he is the man I want to marry. How sad is that girls?! This man who I’ve been so utterly in love with is not the same man I can picture myself marrying.
Nonetheless, the need to try and ‘control’ the situation is obviously getting the best of me at the moment and I need to take a step back and remind myself that not all things are in my control. It kinda brings me back to the idea of time and not settling for just ‘ok’ like you said Michelle. This is ‘ok’, we’re fine, we’re getting along etc but it’s just okay. It isn’t amazing, and I know it can be because I’ve had it before with him and it’s something I know I can have and refuse to settle until I have that again mr A or no Mr A. It’s what I deserve.
We all knew the move was going to be a make or break, so let’s see what actually happens but I’ve got my bets on one more than the other.
Shelby, I hope you got through your hen night okay and it wasn’t too exhausting for you, the wedding for me definitely was!
July 3, 2019 at 6:12 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #301913Kkasxo
ParticipantHi Michelle,
Aww thank you as always for your kind words! Yes it does definitely feel like a light bulb has gone, I mean don’t get me wrong I don’t doubt that when/if the time comes for us to part ways it’ll still be a painful experience BUT one I feel I am definitely better prepared for. With all the goings on of the last year, hitting rock bottom, extensive therapy and research and all the self work that I continue doing I just know I’ll be okay either way. I have lived through the toughest time of my life so far, I have survived despite not necessarily wanting to for a long time and with that alone I know I can and will get through anything that life throws at me. (Reminder to myself to re-read this exact post when sh*t hits the fan hehe!)
The sun has been lovely! Definitely right there with you with the itchy travelling feet for sure. I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford a holiday this year but I’m spending a lot of my evenings nowadays looking at beautiful locations and just fantasising about my next getaway. I’m hoping to try and squeeze something in towards the end of the year, even if it is cheap and cheerful!
You got any new and exciting travel plans coming up?
Shelby, looking forward to hearing from you as always x
ParticipantHi Marie,
Following this thread as in a somewhat similar situation in that my ‘partner’s mother is an abusive, controlling narcissist also.
None of it made sense UNTIL I had to endure terrible trauma and through therapy and research of my own I actually was able to understand that this is a real thing, it is an illness and more often than not it isn’t something that is ever going to change.
I wouldn’t advise to leave your fiance, you guys seem really happy and content BUT keep your distance from the monster behind the mask.. It’s a good thing that you were able to pick these traits up now before anything horrible happened to you. Unfortunately for me that wasn’t the case, I was completely blinded and in awe by this woman who very quickly turned out to be someone who took away from me everything that I had known for the past 25 years, literally.
Distance and boundaries are key here. And remember, you are not obliged to allow this person into your life. Whether people say you marry the family or not, it is YOUR relationship and YOUR life. So long as you respect your fiances wishes to continue or not to continue to have contact with her, and he respects yours you guys will be okay.
Wishing you all the best!
July 1, 2019 at 3:47 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #301673Kkasxo
ParticipantHi ladies,
Hangover is absolutely an understatement! I thought I died a little on Sunday morning but all in all the party was actually really nice. I loved seeing all my friends, considering it’s been such a long time since I had everyone around me!
Shelby, it breaks my heart reading your last few posts. It breaks my heart because I feel like you may be feeling a little how I felt just a few short months ago. Granted, probably not on the verge of suicide etc but just generally down and unable to see the light. I promise you that WILL pass. I remember at one point you promised me it would, and it has. Now it’s my turn to promise you the same. I’m not going to sit here and rant on about getting out there or distracting yourself or having new hobbies etc because I know from personal experience that sometimes you just need to let it be. Yes it’s not ideal to sit at home, isolated and wallowing in self pity BUT sometimes that is simply the way it is. I was isolated from everyone for a loooooong long time and some may say it was by choice, to me it felt like I had no other choice because human interaction was just too exhausting for me. I think right now being kind to yourself is the best thing that you can do. Whatever it may be. Remember at one point not that long ago my happiest moments were going out to Tesco and forking our £6 just so I can enjoy a nice coffee in the morning? That’s exactly what I mean. Anything, any tiny little thing that can bring you even just a moment of happiness in the day. Sometimes you literally just have to get by and let this moment pass without trying to overwhelm yourself with what you think you should be doing/feeling.
Also, feels so weird when you girls say boyfriend. It really doesn’t feel that way. Things are 100% still extremely different between us and frankly I don’t think they’ll ever be the same. With that in mind, will we actually last/work? Doubt it. Sometimes I ponder on the idea of ‘the damage has been done’. Nonetheless it is what it is for the time being and what will be will be. I’ve come such a long way in this journey that I’m just so focused on me, my well being, my boundaries, my health and happiness that I can’t even find the energy to focus on anything else.
As I always say, one day this will all make sense.
I hope you both have got to enjoy the beautiful sunshine the recent days!
I’ll check in again tomorrow xxxx
June 26, 2019 at 7:29 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #300829Kkasxo
ParticipantHi ladies,
Shelby – Have you been to see the dr regarding the chronic pains? Michelle does have a very good point. Our physical health is very closely linked to our mental health – scientifically proven! Being under a lot of stress or experiencing anxiety/depression can have a big impact on your health and your body will eventually respond. I can speak from experience.. I am still battling with my cystic acne (which appeared out of nowhere a few months following trauma) and my irregular cycles (which changed following trauma and had been 28 days on the dot for the last 16 years!). I remember saying to myself many times throughout the darkest times that I feel as though my body will give up on me soon enough, because I genuinely felt like my body is shutting down. I know its easier said than done, but it may be worth giving yourself a little break every now and then, even if it is just to run yourself a bath with your favourite bubble bath or reading a nice book!
You also asked, ‘Do you remember a little while back, you didn’t feel the will or motivation to go on. Was there a catalyst that pulled you out of that or what made things change for you? You have a really good attitude now, I admire you. So clever and focused.’ There wasn’t a catalyst as such at all. I cannot actually recall a specific time in which I said to myself enough is enough and it actually worked.. I was in an extremely dark place for a long long time and actually it was my therapist who made a good point (in our last ever session last week 🙁 ) that despite being absolutely down in the gutter with no more will or energy to live, sounding like I had given up, I always attend to our sessions and spoke to her about all these new things that I keep trying to do to get better. Whether it was communicating with you ladies, going to the gym, researching and reading into mental health and psychology or simply hanging out more with family and friends, she said that in itself is strength like no other. And I never really looked at it that way at all, I always used to say as you ladies will probably recall that I’m trying everything and nothing is helping and so I am just doomed for a life full of misery. I was tired, exhausted really with absolutely no way forward. I think it really just was this underlying perseverance to get better that has brought me to where I am today.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am no way near ‘normality’ so to speak. I think all in all things now are going to be different than they have been my entire life because I am still getting to know this new person that I have become. I still have intensely bad days, triggers and heaps of emotional ups and downs BUT I can recognise these things now and it makes it that little bit easier to deal with them there and then.. rather than ignoring them, using any and every distraction to get away from them and eventually spiralling out of control..
Which brings me to this point, @Victoria, welcome back! It is nice to hear from you again. As a fellow PTSD sufferer, the first thing that helped me is really learning about the condition and understanding it. For a long long time (before I even knew of PTSD) I legitimately thought I was just going crazy, that the trauma I had experienced had caused my mental to shatter and I would forever be broken as a result. Learning about the condition and coming across a forum, , and reading posts from other sufferers was like an eureka moment for me, ‘I’m not alone, I’m not isolated, and I’m really not crazy! This is normal! All of these behaviours are my brain’s way of protecting me!’ In the end (this took a long time) I accepted that I have to be thankful to my clever little mind for coming up with all these ways to protect me, my well being and my safety.. Us human beings are so damn complicated and complex but when push comes to shove we react in very similar ways, I would really recommend for you to have a little read on there and explore this concept some more!
Michelle, nice to hear from you as always! I’m still settling in, work is sooooooooo busy at the moment but at least it keeps my days flowing! I am looking forward to the heatwave this weekend, 31 degrees in London on Saturday, say what?! We are having a housewarming party on the day too so I am really looking forward to seeing all my friends. In a sense I almost can’t believe I’m actually looking forward to it, as you may remember I had been very isolated for the last year so getting out and ACTUALLY enjoying it is all woah for me right now! Nonetheless, I’m going with it!