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ParticipantHi Anita,
When it comes to bigger problems, I would say it’s nothing more than the ups and downs of life that everyone faces at some point. In the past five years we’ve dealt with death and illness in the family, financial difficulties stemming from a bitter lawsuit we were forced to file (which have since then been solved, thankfully). My own family (the four us) have had our own health problems, my mom and sister have had to increase their anxiety/depression meds. Personally, I just started a new job that I love so far, but I am still trying to figure out the next steps in the coming year. I am currently applying to medical school, have no idea where that is going to go. Those are all the problems that are either current or in the last 5 years.
Any thoughts? Please let me know if this didn’t quote answer your question.
Very much appreciated,
ParticipantThank you Anita and Eliana, I very much appreciate it.
This is a very complex situation internally, so please bear with me as I am thinking while typing this on my bus ride home. Do let me know if I can further clarify any of this. I am definitely an “over thinker”
I think there are many emotions that are fueling this. When my friend lost that election, I was personally very hurt by his loss. Might I add that this election was on a large scale and something people are very invested in, at least relative to high schoolers/teenagers. I wrote the note and gave him the box a day after returning home from convention, and I was very distraught in that time emotionally. I am angry with myself for letting my emotions get the best of me at that time. “Why did I have to give ALL that remained in that box? Why did I have to give anything at all?” In my mind, giving him everything that remained in the box was symbolic of doing more to ease the pain of losing. I think I thought more was better…I was almost about to give tshirts I already wore, before realizing that was strange. I included some sizes that I knew wouldn’t even fit him. My reasoning back then baffles and upsets me.
I am upset with that (now former) friend becuase of the response I got. He was undoubtedly appreciative, but part of his response included “I have no idea why you gave me all of that other stuff though, I have like no use for it! Haha…thanks though!” Although maybe he was referring to a couple items that weren’t t-shirts? I don’t know. Back then, I just shrugged it off, thinking to myself that “he can just give these out to people who might like it, I’m not in the club anymore since I’m graduating, so I don’t need it” I often find myself being upset with myself over all the times I have spent even thinking about this. About 4 years ago, I went through an episode of being upset about it, until I talked it through with a friend. I was fine, until it crept back into my mind about a year ago. I brushed it over and it came into my mind yet again.
Finally, I find myself regretful and sad about many of the interactions I had with my parents throughout the year of having that position. I frankly was a spoiled brat, and couldn’t see all they had done for me (driving me places out of their way, ironing many clothes, waking me up early/late when needed). This was a large commitment. They nagged me, or at least I interpreted it as nagging, about my schoolwork. I felt that they were more into the prestige of the position, and weren’t always supportive of the work it entailed. This finally led to some rude interactions on my end. I am upset with myself for being so unwilling to just share a few tshirts (this sentence was a bit painful to type out, struck a chord in my heart, to illustrate). My thought process was that these are shirts special to the organization that my friend would like. For anyone else, they wouldn’t fully realize the value of it. It’s not like we didn’t have our own shirts or couldn’t afford anymore, right? I did have a few shirts from the convention as well, which I did share with my family.
I will add that this was not the only incident/argument my parents and I had when I was involved with that position. My mind may just code this as being the icing on the cake. A year later, I said sorry to my mother about anything I said or did that year. She essentially forgave me, and told me I didn’t need to keep on apologizing. My sister and I have a habit of saying sorry over and over again. (I almost teared up typing this)
Frankly, I think I overdid it. I wish the thought of of giving that box of freebies hadn’t even entered my head. I wish I hadn’t sent them over so quickly without giving my head time recuperate from that pain of my friend losing that election. It’s strange, because if I still had that box, it would likely be sitting in a corner of my house unused.
The truth is, I have bigger problems, my parents and my family have bigger problems, but this just seems to take up my mind the whole day, and diverts my focus elsewhere. I realize, that from all of this, there are lessons to be learned. For example, not overdoing it/putting in more than I receive in a friendship, and, as I continue on the path to adulthood to have a mature relationship with my parents. However, I then find myself thinking…why did it take these incidents to learn these lessons? Why couldn’t I have just known this all along? I know I could have been better. Perhaps though, being a hormonal teenager impacts almost everyone negatively?
I am sorry if I wrote out a lot, I just want to spill out everything that runs in my mind constantly with regards to this incident. The main emotions in my head are anger, regret, sadness and guilt. My hope is by reading through this, you are able to understand where I am coming from a bit more. Please do let me know if I can clarify or answer anything further. Thank you for your help in advance, I do sincerely appreciate it!
ParticipantHi Anita,
Would you mind clarifying why this was not an act of immaturity and why it is nothing I should apologize for?
I agree that this organization gave me a strong sense of power, almost fulfilling a psychological need at that time. My reasoning behind giving it to my friend, was that in perspective, this was a small thing to do in comparison to everything I gained through that position and would make him feel better after that loss.
I recently graduated from college, and have never been employed full time. I am currently studying for the medical school admission exam, so my parents are okay with me living at home in the meantime. I have every intention of giving them money when I grow up and am able to do so.
Thank you
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for this thoughtful analysis. I think it may have some truth to it, in that when I was involved with this organization I felt that my parents were disappointed in me because my grades suffered. A belief that I held in my mind was that they liked that I had prestige, but didn’t actually support me doing anything with this position. I felt that this impacted how I performed that year.
I have matured since then, and we have a much better relationship now. I am trying to decide if I want to bring this up and apologize, or instead attribute this event to my immaturity at the time.
Thank you! I’ve seen you help so many people on this site, and if it hasn’t been said before…you’re absolutely awesome!!!
As I have said, this was a painful incident for me to reflect over for quite some time. Looking back over the years I was involved in this organization, I felt that I was awful to my parents in many circumstances and I think I avoided bringing up this specific issue to avoid pain it might cause them and a general reminder of the times I spoke and acted rudely. I actually asked my mom yesterday “Was I difficult as a teenager?” But she insisted that I wasn’t. I think she’s just being a bit too nice, I am sincerely embarrassed by my behavior in those days.
I think the reason I felt I needed to ask on this forum before talking to my parents was to simply ensure I was taking the right step. I tend to need justification from others before moving forward. Another source of anguish is the comment the friend made in response to the box. Just the other day I caught myself thinking “Why didn’t I just ask for it back?” The likely answer is that I was taught that one doesn’t ask another to return a gift.
ParticipantTo clarify a bit more, I constantly find myself thinking “Why was I like that? Why couldn’t I have been better back then?”
ParticipantGood morning! I have had some more time to think about this. I think what is bothering me the most, is that while I am now a much nicer person and treat my parents significantly better and am grateful for everything they do, it continues to bother me that it took these types of lessons (comparable to the incident described above) to actually make this type of change in my life. I realize that regrets can have positive consequences (which they indeed have) but the actual regret continues to bother me. How would you suggest I deal with this?
Many thanks!!!!!
ParticipantHi Anita,
Apologies for being difficult…I’m not sure if that would really “replace” this memory. You know, I’ve thought about it for quite some time now (which is really counterproductive). Now, almost every time I see a free shirt I will be sure to grab it and give it to my dad or mom. On that same vein, I did have a different box of shirts from that same organization, and shortly thereafter, gave one to each person in my family. The rest needed to be shipped elsewhere.
As you can see, the issue here really is not particularly immense. I realize this as well, that this issue is very insignificant, but it’s as if my mind is fixated on that one box of shirts that I voluntarily gave away. Would you happen to have any techniques on making peace with this? Would you suggest simply talking this issue out with my parents?
Thank you again, your feedback and guidance is most appreciated!
ParticipantEris, thanks for your response! Our relationship is great now. I have moved back home after college while I am “funemployed,” and am doing my best every day to make sure to help them out as much as I can, and also to speak with them with nothing but respect.
Looking back, I am just so angered and bothered by the actions I took in high school. I didn’t say thank you enough, I was very bratty/disrespectful despite them doing so much for me. I feel that this incident may have been “the icing on the cake,” if you will, in terms of the negative actions I took. As I said, I went through a phase of guilt regarding my high school years a few years prior, but they seem to have come up again. I easily find myself incredibly upset over this particular incident (though there are definitely others). At the same time, I think my friends response “I have no idea why you gave me all that other stuff, I have like no use for it” also hurt me more than a little…
I like your interpretation this incident being my brain’s code for something. I have also followed the technique you mentioned when I feel my mind thinking of the past and tell myself “there you go again! thinking about things you can’t change!” which has helped before. It just continues to bother me that it took so many incidents to learn this lesson. I am wondering if I should discuss this incident with my parents, or if I should attempt to let this go on my own. Our family has had quite the ride over recent years, both positive and negative, and they honestly probably haven’t thought about this since then. It is still, however, a very painful incident for me to think about.
Thank you!
ParticipantHi Anita,
Basically, my parents have always made sure I had everything I wanted. I have had a relatively easy, comfortable life entirely because of them. Because they largely encouraged academics, and perhaps in my teen years I became a little fed up with this/rebellious and was annoyed that they wanted me to focus on school so much. While they didn’t forbid me from being part of the organization, I remember feeling that they were not particularly supportive (an idea, which I realize now, is completely wrong. they just wanted me to ensure that I was doing well academically).
ParticipantI think that may be a correct interpretation, I also feel that I may have acted under emotion, another regret of mine. Throughout high school, I was awful at saying thank you to my parents. With the organization I mentioned, I felt that they never supported me and instead wanted me to focus on school exclusively. I think it took going to college in a different state that ultimately allowed me to realize how much they have given me, and how they have bent over backwards for my happiness. My guilt is primarily on not having been more appreciative of their efforts.