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After my recent thirteen day stay in a psychiatric hospital, I have been attending an Intensive Outpatient Program utilizing mostly Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). One of the therapists wants to work with me using Trauma Focused CBT. It’s been frightening and I know I have much work to do still but I have learned a lot. A key component in the class is Power = Choice…I sometimes forget I have choices. I have also started attending a codependency support group as well as, a domestic violence support group. I just wanted to give you an update of my journey. Thanks again.
I have recently been attending an Intensive Outpatient Program where one of the key concepts is choice. Power = Choice. Sometimes, I forget I have choices. Thank you for your response.
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you for your compassion and suggestion.
ParticipantI do have good insurance, I’ll look into it.
ParticipantNo, I have not.
ParticipantThank you. I do find it difficult to love myself. I’m not sure why…logically, I know I’m worth it yet I face this insurmountable wall of relentless self-doubt.
ParticipantI have no answer because I do not know. Perhaps, I continuously feed this rage as routinely as I breathe. I cannot remember a time when it’s undercurrent was not present. I find myself locking doors in my mind without a second thought anymore. I have so few memories of my life…good or bad. I think that’s why I obsessively photograph everything, capturing moments in time through a lense…tangible evidence my mind can’t ignore. Anger rides shot gun always quick to respond no matter the circumstances to guard all the dark places in my head.