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June 12, 2020 at 9:22 am #358378
ParticipantOnly you can make this final decision whether you want to wait it out longer or put a stop to all of this now. You say, ” I’m scared if I broach the topic she will leave me, she has been close to doing it before when she felt pressured so I steered it away”.
In order to be completely happy in a relationship, I believe both parties should be free to express their feelings no matter what. You should not be afraid to bring up topics that are bothering you. If she is threatening to leave you and you are scared to upset her, then you are just doing things for her but not yourself. I can understand that you love her, however she is showing you that she is not on the same page. 2 years into a relationship is more than enough time to decide where the futures goes. If she is not speaking of it, not showing it and threatening to leave if you talk about serious topics, does that sound like a healthy relationship to you?
You also say, “Everyone is saying I deserve better but why can’t I see it?” – You cannot see it simply because as the cliche states, love is blind. You said you friends are warning you as well that this is not right for you. It is hard to picture life without the person you are in love with, it really is. I have been there myself and left several relationships before where I have been in love but deep down, I knew it had no future so I decided to leave. And as a result, I found myself in a better, more committed relationship.
I am not saying you should 100% leave right away, but look at the pro’s and con’s of your situation. Follow you gut. What does it tell you?
June 12, 2020 at 6:31 am #358344LinLin
ParticipantHi Sam,
I am sorry to hear she is not really putting in the effort you hope for. It sounds like deep down you already have your answer and know what to do. Being a female myself, if I am in love I will either say it or show it. If she is not doing either, then it’s likely she is not in love with you. Especially not having met any of your friends in 2 years? That is odd to me.
You seem like a genuinely good person. A very caring, romantic person. Don’t you want to share that with someone who gives the same to you?
June 11, 2020 at 11:39 am #358267LinLin
ParticipantHi Sam,
I am in a VERY similar situation. My boyfriend and I have been together about a year in 4 months. I “kinda” told him I loved him a few months back? We were saying goodbye at the car and I was telling him how much he meant to me and what a wonderful Christmas I had with him and I could see him getting uncomfortable, knowing I was about to say the big words and because I saw him pull back, I decided not to say it.
I asked him about it shortly after and he was honest about it and said he tries to show me he cares deeply for me daily but is uncomfortable with saying the actual words because he grew up in a home where that was never said. He has also never told an ex girlfriend he loved them, even when he did he told me.
At this point, I know he does love me because he shows me by his actions (does things to make me laugh when I have a bad day, cleans up for me when I am tired, supports me in big decisions, is there for me when I need him the most…). If he decides to tell me one day, of course I will gladly accept it but for now, I chose to give him patience and understanding as well as learn acceptance that I may never hear it….but it does not mean that he doesn’t.
Think about what your lady DOES for you instead of what she SAYS to you. Think about how she looks at you, how she helps you be a better person, how much fun you have together. Have you done anything big together? (take a trip, move in together, have large family gatherings) If she is introducing you to her family/friends, is with you a lot of the time happily, smiles and laughs with you and does things to make you happy without thinking of herself, she may be in love but afraid to say the words in fear of possible rejection. Maybe dig into her past a bit too. If she is not willing to open up, ask her close friend or even family member. I grew close with my mans mother and one day I asked her subtly about my mans lack of verbal affection. She ended up telling me he has always been that way and he shows love/care by doing rather than showing. That alone helped me gain some perspective on why he is the way he is.
Don’t give up just yet is my advice. Have you heard of the 5 Love Languages? I would suggest taking the quiz as both you AND her. Take the quiz as yourself first to find out which love language you are. Then, take it again but AS her. Put yourself in her shoes and answer the same questions as if you were her – think and answer the way you think she would. Then, you can compare. My top love language was of course, Words of Affirmation”. Guess what his last one was? Yup…words of affirmation. However, we both tied #2 with Quality Time. He was willing to take the quiz with me (because it was really a fun quiz to do when we were bored one day) but it helped bring clarity to how we each show love and affection.
Now a days, I look at more what my man does for me and focus on how I feel when I am with him, how happy he is when he is with me, I focus on things we do together that make each other happy. I realize he may never say the words, but I believe when someone shows it, it is more important.
The last piece of advice I have for you is to try and have an in depth conversation with your lady. We did this as well, which is when he told me how he feels about me in other ways (I deeply care for you, you make me happy, you are amazing, I am lucky to be with you) and we also got to talk about the future plan – we both want to move in, get married and have kids one day just not right at this point. Try and find out if you want the same future and are on the same path together. If you have that, then focus on your time together, her actions toward you and try to know that actions will always be more important than words.
I hope this all made sense and is helping to guide you.
– Linlin
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January 30, 2020 at 9:56 am #335856LinLin
ParticipantI also forgot to mention, a week before he left I had unintentionally been acting like a total ass. I was picking small arguments, blaming him for being angry/annoyed with me based on his facial expression, tone of voice or whatever and he of course, got defensive and a bit annoyed.
This happened a few times in a row when he spoke up and said something along the lines of, “I think you are trying to make this “perfect” weekend but you are so focused on that, that any little thing that goes wrong or unexpected you see as a failure and get way more upset than usual and that basically you trying to make the week before I go perfect is making it…un-perfect”. And he was right I think I got so focused on making sure he would miss me, I tried too hard to make a flawless week that I ended up ruining some of it by over-reacting and over-analyzing his expressions.
I sent him a long text one eve when he was at work apologizing for how I’d been and he told me he understood none was intentional and it was because of my anxiety and missing him. He said he was not mad and that next night was the night he chose to take off unpaid from work to spend it with me. He was very physically affectionate that night, we had lots of laughs, lots of conversation, a nice dinner and an overall really nice evening.
I can’t help but feel bad for how I acted though.
June 21, 2018 at 3:54 am #213343LinLin
ParticipantHi Anita,
Yes I find pausing has been helping, which is good. It will definitely take a lot of practice overtime for it to be able to come naturally I believe.
When my Mom gives me that passive aggressiveness, I do 1 of 2 things. If she is doing it verbally like an insult or attack, I react in anger and defend myself angrily, then simply walk away after defending myself before it gets worse.
If she is non-verbal, I simply ignore the whole thing and just stay away from her.
As for feelings, I feel judged. She tends to think my choices are stupid or wrong because it is not what she would have done. So she immediately thinks her suggestions are more correct than my own.
June 20, 2018 at 6:17 pm #213319LinLin
ParticipantThank you Mark for that article. I just read it and it really is insightful. I should mention too, I am guilty of being a super fast paced person in my daily life. I move fast, work fast, talk fast, eat fast…. My life just feels like it’s on speed. Always feel the need to rush.
And some days it feels like my habit of rushing ng also includes rushing my thoughts ts and being quicker to react in anger or negative assumptions.
June 20, 2018 at 11:53 am #213285LinLin
ParticipantHi Anita,
Yes that does make sense. I grew up in a highly negative environment. I am an only child so I was always blamed for things and had both my parents mad at me so it scared me into being a goody good. So that I would not get those angry glares and passive aggressiveness from them.
Even now, my Mom still looks at me constantly with an angry glare/tone of voice or passive agressive language. So I guess in a way, I am use to being told I am not good enough/my choices werent smart/I dont know what I’m doing/this or that was a bad choice, etc.
I have also had boyfriends in the past like I mentioned that were very manipulative, controlling, abusive, so maybe a combination of them plus how my parents treated/treat me, makes me think that my man will act the same?
Either way, I know he wont. I know he cares & loves me and does not mean to ever be passive agressive or manipulative or any of those bad things. So, I do want to stop assuming that he will.
So far, I am doing okay with it. Today, he told me right away he had a pounding headache once I called him, so when he sounded sad or pissed off on the phone with me, I knew it had nothing to do with me so I did not say, “you sound pissed off, is it me?” I just said “ok babe I understand, I know you’re not mad you just have a headache, I will let you go sleep.” And that felt good. I want to continue that, but shockingly, it took a lot of mental strength to quickly say to myself, “WAIT do not get mad, he is not mad at you he just has a headache, let him go sleep give him some space he is not mad at you so dont be assuming he is”.
I guess I am looking to see other ways in pausing the brain BEFORE it goes to bad assumptions.
June 21, 2016 at 9:25 am #107849LinLin
ParticipantWell, I know my bf is job searching very hard. I find it odd that he gets no responses and has been looking basically this entire year so far? It scares me how hard it is for anyone in their 20’s to find full time work now and it’s pretty sad. Especially when he tries so hard. So with that situation, thats all he can do is try. And I am stuck waiting and wondering which is driving me crazy because if he finds no work, we lose our home and will need to move back with our parents separately and live over 2 hours apart. Which would put a large dent in our relationship due to the stress.
My car situation has been fixed. I was a bit irritated that he put no money into helping me pay for my new car but again, he isn’t working so could not really help. Just found it odd that he did not even talk about it. Nor did he really say he felt bad.
I find I am developing anger toward him because 90% of the situations that have happened so far have come from him yet I am the one having to handle and deal with it all. Obviously he is stressed too, which explains our fights being a lot more dramatic lately.
We use to be so good. Had money to go out on weekends, both worked full time, had a future planned (when to be married/engaged/have kids) and now ALL of that is having to be pushed back because of him not working. It almost feels like he is keeping me behind in life because I also cannot exactly get into a new job right now while he’s jobless – in fear if I got let go, we’d definitely lose our home based on having 0 income coming in.
I love him a lot and I know he loves me and I’m his whole world. But I’ve never been through so much dramatic events one after another like this before. It feels like I am living in hell and no matter how hard we try, problems just seem to keep coming. They never stop. It makes any small good things that come up seem meaningless because we know bad will soon follow.
It has definitely affected our anxiety levels and overall happiness (mine) since he says he is 100% happy with me. I want to be 100% too…but I hate not knowing what will come.
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