Some more suggestions for you, that have worked for me. If you have the opportunity to sit alone….no one else in the house or apartment…where you can say out loud what you are feeling. It is totally uncensored and you get to say whatever you want. It is an opportunity to get it off your chest. I journal as well, but there is something about speaking out loud what I feel. I used to think I was crazy for doing this, but I felt so much better afterwards that I figured if it is helping me, then I am not crazy. Its a release and some things actually came to light that helped me let go even more.
Another thing you might try is looking at what you are feeling now, and how that is serving you compared to what you will gain by letting go. When I did this, the things I thought I would gain by letting go, actually made me feel motivated. And that was a much better feeling than the anger, hurt and sadness I felt.
This is not a process that happens overnight. It is a day by day thing. But looking at what your life could look like by letting go of this, and everything that entails from new relationships to new attitude, might help you move down that path. 🙂