I find myself in a similar predicament Sandy, but added with depression. I’m working on the answer myself. But for now, trying considering, “why am I doing this” for the things you do in your life. You may find that you do a lot of things not because they are truly for you, but because someone told you that you should. Be orininal, have your own opinions, and have your own way of doing things. If it isn’t like other people’s way of doing things, then that’s cool. Concerning the mexican food, learning new things and keeping in practice of something is always a good thing. But as for what to do with the food, either give it to someone, eat it, throw it out, or don’t make it if you really aren’t into it. Try making things that you’ll be able to enjoy yourself, as well as with your friends. Impress yourself, don’t worry about impressing anyone else.