Forum Replies Created
January 16, 2023 at 12:52 am #413895
Participantso I’m going to call bs on this – you don’t cherish her or love her. BUT here are some possibilities of what you do have:
- you may be physically attracted to her
- you may like an idea of what she represents (someone who likes you for you and you enjoy that)
- you only like that idea on YOUR terms. Any thing related to her life and her existence you want to give it up
this is a lot of things but it isn’t love. Why do I say this? It’s not me saying it. It’s you saying this.
for instance
I really really wanna be with her….
I wanna cherish and love her….
Yet you didn’t want to be with her during a family function when she asked (wasn’t your scene or whatever nonsense you tell yourself)
You’re now saying she may move which may happen. It may not happen yet you’re already saying for some reason you can’t handle a LDR when there may not be evidence that may occur.
you’re trying to psyche yourself on both extremes – treating her like a plaything for yourself but any amount of effort you balk because fear one fear two fear three.
has she provided any evidence for this fear? Honestly I’m not seeing it. And let’s assume she does. So what? That’s the roll of the dice in a relationship. Anything can happen but you trust yourself you trust your partner because you have a foundation of trust as individuals and a relationship.
you don’t trust yourself and you don’t trust her. How can you realistically say you cherish or love her as a person when you have no trust in her or yourself?
frankly you don’t. Cut your losses break up and work on yourself.
January 15, 2023 at 9:11 am #413847mickelop
ParticipantDude. Be real.
you don’t want to be with her. Legit you don’t. And that’s okay.
be honest about it. Quit tip-toeing around with these facile excuses.she moves – so what? Cross that bridge if/ when you get there. You thinking too hard because you don’t want to invest or put any commitment in anything.
you are seriously the worst type of guy with this veneer of being “the nice guy”
Be an adult and end it for your own sake.
January 15, 2023 at 3:00 am #413842mickelop
ParticipantEdit mistyped something
you did blow her off by saying no to see her at her family function.
January 15, 2023 at 2:58 am #413841mickelop
ParticipantSo I’m a science guy (psych guy to be exact) and we have these hypotheses about things and we create conclusions about things based on the presentation in an environment.
I will now prove you are a clingy putz that should be nowhere near a relationship until you get therapy (or a slap to the face whichever)
So it’s me that are clingy?
That’s correct. You are a funny kind of clingy dude that assumes that if they put in the bare minimum that a relationship will be okay. Dismissing the fact that your partner is busy. And that you blew her off by going to a family function to spend time with her – what type of friend are you honestly?Putz
My assumptions was wrong about relationships
that’s also correct. Your assumptions are wrong and well … you make a donkey of yourself doing that. Relationships are more than just bare minimum of I send a text that’s the best I can do. It’s barely the beginning. Why not surprise her? Why not take time out to learn her interests. Why is everything about you ? What about her feelings you putz
I mean like isnt relationship about maintaining communication and understanding each other? Right now it feels like she regards me more as a friend than a lover….
there are many methods of communication and interacting with people. Okay you send a text big deal. What else did you do besides kvetch about how she isn’t interested in you because she didn’t do exactly what you wanted to do to her.
secondly so what if she regards you as a friend? Are you under some sort of assumption that at the heart of a relationship isn’t friendship? Seriously is this your first relationship? I mean how old are you mate ?
best relationships do start out as friendships and maybe it’s a good opportunity to get to know her as one so you can build trust in yourself and your partner. Instead of kvetching like a child.
Maybe u are right, i am not attractive enough…. It is always been this way…
never called you ugly but maybe you are an ugly sack of crap. Guess what? They get very attractive women too. Ugly never stopped anyone from being in a relationship. Get out of your pity party and grow up quick
Today i have a date with her and i feel very one sided, like she doesnt ask me for hugs or holding hands… i was the one asking, usually she’s the one asking
Who in the bloody alps asks their girlfriend for a hug??? This isn’t Japan in the 90s or is it and I got lost in a time warp. If you want to hug pretty sure you can if it’s something that you both agreed to. Don’t be some sort of creep with it. You can hug your girlfriend.
get out of your own head you putz
January 15, 2023 at 1:54 am #413839mickelop
Participanthi Eric
Did anyone ever tell you that you are clingy and that isn’t attractive? Nor is making someone your emotional pin cushion because you feel lonely?
Get a hobby. Let her do her thing. Otherwise you’re anxious ridden git that needs psychological help.
September 5, 2022 at 10:18 am #406658mickelop
ParticipantThe source? The person who attempted to teach the looney tunes Li Hongzhi in ’89.
Falun Gong didn’t fall from the sky because he was anointed (well maybe anointed a crazy hat I suppose). He was taught in one public lesson one relatively straightforward meditation and Li Hongzhi lost his mind. Falun Dafa came soon after with copious western support thereafter.
I think generally anyone who has been around Chinese cultivations across quanzhen knows this.
Sorry if you don’t and you’re following a crazy person.
September 4, 2022 at 10:11 am #406627mickelop
ParticipantYou do realize that Li Hongzhi broke his mind after one PUBLIC session with another master right? You’re literally following someone who (from western designation) would be considered insane.
I just need to highlight that element as you quote his beliefs on homosexuality and other “things”.
You sure you want to listen to someone who is clinically insane?
And to be clear I am not even trying to make light of mental health conditions. He’s nuts from one public meditation session. What draws you to someone like this?