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  • #45166

    Hi V,

    I am in a similar situation as you. I used to take a lot of depression meds and they really can take a toll on you. As far as inspiration it seems like you have already inspired your self by challenging your fears and doubts about yourself. Do not beat yourself up for the situation that you are in. Focus on the good things that you have in your life rather than focusing on what could be. You can only be one person and that person is you, you can only improve on future if you learn from your past and focus on what you can improve today. You are much stronger than you think. It takes a lot of guts to post your feelings on here. Admire the good things about yourself rather than others. Be positive as much as you can and take a look around and see all that is good in your life, no matter how big or small they may be. Love yourself and others will love you, trust yourself and others will trust you. Expose yourself to your fears little by little, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. Do not ever give up no matter what the situation. You can only go one direction and that is forward. Good luck to you I hope I was able to help you.
    Best regards,

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