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August 27, 2024 at 5:54 am #436650
ParticipantHi Anita
Thank you for your response. I have been thinking on what you have said to me.
You are right, the wrong kind of friends. The amazing friends I speak of are the ones in my city. The horrible things happened in Manchester however I actually live in another city about 50 miles away. I always felt like the outsider which is why I don’t think they believed me (or wanted to believe me). Fair weather friends, as they say.
Thank you for sharing how you felt around your mother. I can understand this, I too was waiting for the next criticism. It’s so difficult because we try our best and try and meet their expectations but the goal posts continuously move further away from us.
I have been focusing on the positives in my life (because there are many) however I agree, I have not been processing the negatives.
How can people like that go into someone’s life and cause emotional destruction and they be let off all the pain? I didn’t want to let him win by being upset so I’ve kept pushing on with the positives. He doesn’t cry over me so I wanted to try not to either. That was my logic. Now I am exhausted though.
How you have explained his projection of his mother onto me has been very useful to read. Him focusing on the then and there instead of the here and now. This makes me realise that it was not me, there was nothing I could do differently.
Interestingly, he has struggled with addiction in the past and my supportive friends believe he has a substance abuse problem.
There was never going to be anything I could do. The course was set from the start.
Thank you for reading.
August 23, 2024 at 3:21 am #436527Sammie
ParticipantThank you Anita.
What is on my mind is wanting validation, an apology and closure. I know this will never come.
He always picked at me. Mostly for very small things. His grievances would be things like I didn’t use pet names enough or I would be too focused when I was working/reading/gaming and sometimes wouldn’t hear him speaking to me.
I can be playful and silly. There was an evening where he had bought some crisps that I really liked and I had a bowl in front of me. When he went to the bathroom, I hid them and pretended I had eaten them all. Obviously, it was a joke and got them out from where I had hidden them.
Two days later, when he was picking at me he said “and you’re SO selfish. Look how you ate all the crisps the other day”. I had to remind him how that was a prank and I had hidden them, not eaten them and we both ate them. He didn’t apologise for calling me selfish, he didn’t even acknowledge that what I had said happened.
Most weekends I would travel to his city because he never really wanted to spend much time in my city. On one occasion he was coming over to my house to see me and I asked if there was anything he would like me to get from the store. He said “wow, that’s so kind. You’re really changing, you’ve never done anything like this before”.
Every weekend I went to his house, bought groceries, cooked and cleaned. I made breakfast, lunch and dinner. What’s more is every time he had come over to mind, I prepared food for him as well.
When I tried to explain that I ALWAY do things like this he then went onto say “well, what do you do for me other than cook?”.
I had to listen to him tell me how bad my behaviour was and how I didn’t support him. He told me I didn’t support his business idea and I said that we talk at length about it and I’ve offered to help with packaging and shipping. His response was “well what’s my 5 year plan?”. I’m not a business owner. I don’t know about 5 year plans so I didn’t know to ask.
He then started quizzing me about how much I knew him and started testing me.
This was not a one off. I was always in the wrong. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, nothing made a difference. I was always an awful selfish girl.
He worked freelance. When he had work, he was a different person. He was happier and more pleasant. He was also more open to me talking about how I was feeling. Unfortunately, due to putting his reputation to ruin, he stopped getting as much work and now hardly works at all. He hardly worked from August 2023 onwards.
He drank a lot, didn’t sleep much and I have reason to believe he was taking drugs. He was also unfaithful. I know writing this, I deserve much better.
If I didn’t laugh at his jokes, he got angry at me. He told me I was insulting his intelligence, he specifically said I did it ten times a day. Yet he could make fun of me and I was not allowed to complain. Sometimes he used to look at me and start laughing at me and he wouldn’t tell me why.
When I tried to speak up about things that were upsetting me, he would turn it back around on me and tell me I was ungrateful. I told him he had upset me and his response was “what about your garden?”, he has recently helped me with gardening. I tried to explain that helping me does not then give you a pass to be mean to me.
I tried to go with the angle of, me asking him what was on his mind and stressing him because he hasn’t seemed ok and seemed to be taking things out on me. He wouldn’t talk.
It continued with the same narrative – I am a liar. I am a manipulator. He told me he valued honesty and he had to make allowances for how much I lie. He told me I had to stop lying about who I am and stop lying about being good at things. He told me I was not normal. He told me I was dark inside. He told me that I need to let people in be so guarded.
I started recording when we would argue so I could listen back to the parts where I was supposedly lying so that I could improve and not do it anymore. I was so convinced that I was the problem that I wasn’t expecting to listen back and realise I was being gaslit. It was harrowing listening to the recording because he was cruel to me. I would be trying to explain calmly why other was hurting me and it was twisted to be my own fault. Never apologising to me.
What I am struggling with is how could someone be so cruel yet so unaware of what they were doing? How could he justify treating me like this?
What I’ve told you is just the tip of the iceberg. It was always like this. I got in trouble because I once accidentally said a burger I was eating had gone cold. I’ve not even really touched on how my body was his and his to have whenever he wanted.
The relationship was exhausting and upsetting. I asked for an apology. I tried to explain how things felt for me. I never got an apology.
I want to have a peaceful and loving life. I want to love my new boyfriend. I trust him. It’s easy to trust him because my instincts are not alarming. My gut KNOWS he is a good person.
I just feel stuck at the moment. Stuck wanting closure from the past.
Thank you for reading.
August 22, 2024 at 12:06 pm #436504Sammie
ParticipantHi Anita
Thank you for your response. There are a lot of things to think about.
The versions of my life are the crossroads I was at. Should I stay in the abuse environment I was in OR reclaim my sparkle. I did the latter, I chose me.
I told my friends the story the way I told it to you. I don’t think they wanted to believe me. I don’t think they wanted to believe that he was capable of these things.
There was an incident where I was going out in the evening with my ex and I wanted to wear lipstick. He wanted to kiss me but I said please kiss me gently because I’ve just done my make up. I said I would take it off as soon as we got home which I did. Then he withheld affection from me for several days. Then when I called him out on this behaviour, he kicked me out. I told my friends about this and they said “oh it’s just because he wanted to kiss you, just don’t wear lipstick anymore”.
When I think about how he used to treat me, he was awful really. I was always on edge because he would always be finding things that were wrong. Silly things like I had cut the celery sticks too short or I didn’t hear him calling me when I was reading my book. My friends, they used to say to me “he’s a sensitive soul”.
I’m sorry to hear this about your mother. That must be very painful to deal with and process.
In terms of abusive words as a child, I never had them directed at me. I witnessed my dad being verbally abusive to my mum though. As I child I would defend my mum and protect my sister. I’ve always been very strong and sure of myself which is why I feel very ashamed that I’ve been with two men who I’ve let treat me terribly.
I have had healthy relationships. I had a marriage where the relationship as a whole lasted many years. We met young and ended up wanting very different things from life. I’ve had another very safe feeling relationship. The relationship I am in now is what I would consider healthy. I don’t feel scared and anxious and I can be myself which is great.
My thoughts that are ruminating on the past and I feel an anger inside me now for what I have gone through. I’ve been very busy with dance and I threw myself into my latest show as a coping mechanism.
I’m trying to focus on the positives. I feel very fortunate as I have amazing friends and family and I’m lucky enough to travel a lot. But there is a fine line between focusing on the positives and not processing things.
August 21, 2024 at 3:04 pm #436462Sammie
ParticipantHi Anita and Helcat
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
Helcat, I had therapy last year and then having therapy at the moment again to support me through this difficult time.
My identity has been shaken. One of the things he did was pick apart who I was and the parts of me that I think are special, he said where “the brand”. He said I needed to stop lying all the time about who I am and about being good at things. My self confidence was treated as something to be shamed for.
I’m a dancer and perform on stage and I have to have that belief in myself and my capabilities otherwise stage fright takes over. I’ve done a solo performance recently. Contemporary dance that ties in the emotions of the stages of grief and I’ve been so proud of what I’ve achieved.
Then his voice crept into the back of my head. Stop lying about being good at things. I’ve been asked to create a new routine and perform another show. And I’ve got the fear that I am merely “the brand”.
My therapy at the moment is focusing on switching the narrative away from the things this awful man said to me and instead focusing on my self confidence.
Anita, thank you for your words. I’ve written my story as I can remember it, my words were unedited, free flowing from my mind.
Your words have validated me. For so long I’ve been treated like I’ve been making a fuss over nothing. My instincts were to stay away but I was told otherwise by people who had not witnessed what I had.
You’re absolutely right, he was a monster from the start. He had an agenda when he took me to his apartment. My safety or comfort was not a priority.
The two versions of my life: the one where I feel grey, controlled, attacked. Or the one where I am surrounded by people I love and who love me back, in a supportive and warm environment.
I’ve been upset today. It’s hard sometimes with my new boyfriend because his kind words and support can be jarring and can catch me off guard. Then when I think humans can be so nice so why are there humans who can be so cruel?
Change the narrative, I found the strength to stand up for myself and I’ve moved forward to a better life. I don’t feel scared anymore. I don’t feel anxious. From time to time, I feel sad like today about what has happened to me. Eventually, that will be a distant memory.
Thank you for being here.
August 21, 2024 at 10:35 am #436451Sammie
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Checking in with you Tee.</p>
I’ve been all over the world since last we spoke – Italy, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines. I’ve had so many incredible experiences and met incredible people.Life has been challenging and put my faith in the wrong person again but I have learned more life lessons.
I you are well!
June 3, 2023 at 2:32 am #419701Sammie
ParticipantHi Tee
Thank you so much for your time and your guidance. Wishing you all the best also.
I’ll check back again with my progress!
Forever grateful
June 2, 2023 at 2:50 am #419568Sammie
ParticipantHello Tee
Thanks for sharing the YouTube suggestion. I have watched it and it makes a lot of sense. It has helped me understand more about a covert narcissist.
It helped to know that he does not empathise and has no empathy. It’s funny because I remember now he has said before he lacks empathy and that his previous girlfriends have said he is insensitive. I mustn’t have thought much about it at the time because he was being so nice and the opposite with me.
“But I think the best revenge is to get back on your feet, get your life back in order, and rise above him. And never allow to be fooled like that again.” This has really helped. Yes, I shall rise above. This is time for me now. Time for new adventures and genuine connections.
“Sorry, didn’t understand this: do you mean he wouldn’t get an ego boost from you because you wouldn’t let him, or because you don’t feel good about yourself at the moment, so he wouldn’t be motivated to put you down?”
So I meant he can’t get an ego boost because he is unable to put me down anymore. I don’t think he would risk the rejection. Also, given the state he left me in and some of his self awareness of being a bad guy (he is self deprecating sometimes) I would hope that he would know better and think “I’ve hurt her enough, I’m going to stay away” even if he did have the urge to reach out.
While I do believe he is a covert narcissist, he acknowledged he needed professional help which suggests some amount of self awareness. With this in mind, I feel I won’t hear from him again.
“I don’t care what his childhood trauma is – if he is cheating on you, that’s abuse and is inexcusable. So in that sense, have less compassion for the abuser and more compassion for yourself.”
This has helped greatly too. Thank you for helping me reframe my thoughts in this way. I will have more compassion for me.
So, for a happy end to the story: a met with a friend this week and we went climbing. I’ve not done this before and I had a great time.
We went for a drink after and I told her how scared I was of being alone and how I’ve not been without a boyfriend since I was 13 (I’m now 34 years old). Her reaction was “WOW! This is such an exciting time for you!”. “What do you mean?”, I asked. She said me that I now have all this time for me, time for adventure.
We set the date, 31 May 2024, to meet one year later. For me to give her the debrief on everything I will have done over the next year. I bought a notebook on my way home to document my journey and all the amazing experiences I’m going to have.
Thanks as always, your support has made a huge impact and will always be grateful 🙂
May 30, 2023 at 9:16 am #419498Sammie
ParticipantHello Tee
Thank you for the insight. I’ve just read up on covert narcissism and he does fit the traits. I had always assumed narcissist were charismatic and obviously manipulative. I can see that covert narcissists are different to what we typically think a narcissist is.
You asked if I was scared of physical abuse. I wasn’t scared of this, I was very scared of emotional abuse and him being cold to me. He would hide his emotions so I was afraid of what he could be like if angered but never actually saw him angry.
I feel anger sometimes but mostly I’m in disbelief. I’d say I can’t believe that it came so out of the blue but at the same time, it doesn’t surprise me. What did surprise me is leaving me when I was still poorly and needing hospital treatment after miscarriage complications. That was a level of low I could not have predicted.
I am bitter because I know he doesn’t suffer. Everyone else suffers instead. He rips through peoples lives like a natural disaster. I am trying to work on letting this go but the unfairness of it gets to me.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>I will be having therapy next week so will start to feel the anger, like you say.</p>
I don’t have any social media so it’s difficult for him to contact me. I don’t think he will be back for his narcissistic supply though anyway. He used to put me down in so many ways .. my job, the house I own, the way I live my life.. so if you say he put me down because he was envious or he felt I was “better” than him, he probably won’t get an ego boost from me now.I just long for the day where I can look back at all this and think “wow, he was terrible. I can’t believe I was actually upset over that”
Thanks so much! Have a great day.
May 29, 2023 at 10:27 am #419476Sammie
ParticipantHello Tee
With the pregnancy, I’m not sure how I felt other than denial. I don’t want children unless I find the right person and I knew I would not want children in this scenario. Then I miscarried so I didn’t have the chance to process being pregnant.
As to whether or not he had anger issues is hard to say. He internalised everything and wouldn’t even speak with friends or family about anything. When his relationship before me ended, he moved back home but wouldn’t discuss anything with his family.
I could see he was hurting deeply and I picked up on low self esteem. He seemed to crave validation from women. He would routinely dress in certain ways to get compliments from women at work or when he was. Then he would talk a lot about women to me and what he liked about other women’s appearances, but refused to compliment me. When we used to go out, I would get a lot of compliments from strangers and he didn’t like that I got this attention. Going as far as to laugh at me for being complimented, like he couldn’t understand why people fuss me in the way they do.
You’re right about the incidents with the physical aspect. I didn’t say anything because I was too scared. There was a lot that happened where I was too scared to say anything.
It’s worth noting that a couple I know met him a few times. Their feedback was they said they had a bad vibe from him, that he seemed disinterested in my life and that I wasn’t myself. They said I had anxious energy when they visited and he was staying over.
As for him playing the victim. He did actually always blame other people for things. Like his relationship before me, he says he was abused however I highly doubt it. He blames other people for his bad behaviour. As for him going to Thailand, it was planned before I miscarried. I honestly just think he wanted to go and have a “single man lifestyle”. He was overweight as a child and is very self conscious about it and part of my thinks he wanted to sleep with women to prove his attractiveness to himself.
I think you’re absolutely right about panic attacks being a defence mechanism. I don’t want a repetition of this pain and trauma.
With regards to my ex husband, I’ve worked through this and no longer hold any feelings towards what happened. I had therapy to work through this. I’m actually grateful for what happened as I’ve been able to create my own life. I don’t hold a grudge to him.
However, to the ex we have been discussing. I’m working on accepting what has happened. I want to let go of what has happened and move on to aid my healing. However, his behaviour is unforgivable in my opinion and he won’t be getting my forgiveness.
I feel safe that he won’t reach out again as it feels final this time. I don’t think he is capable of having the emotions to be able to miss me. So I don’t think he will be asking for forgiveness anyway.
Thanks so much, as always 🙂
<p style=”text-align: center;”></p>May 29, 2023 at 5:38 am #419455Sammie
ParticipantHello Sarah & Tee
Thanks for your advice, Sarah. I shall write this list. That is a very good suggestion.
Tee, with the denial of pregnancy, I was terrified of telling him. I thought he would leave immediately. I’ve never been as stressed as I was with him and I carry guilt in thinking that perhaps this is what caused the miscarriage. I was afraid he wouldn’t be there for me and he proved me to be correct when he disappeared when I was in hospital. There were complications which made me very unwell. I was in hospital while he was in Thailand.
As for being physically abusive, it felt more like degrading me. I’m petite and very small and he was 6ft tall and stocky build. I would do a little hip bump to be playful but then he would shove me with no regard to the size difference. He once pushed me into the refrigerator and held me there by the back of my head, unable to move. I didn’t like this. I’m not sure why he pushed me into the refrigerator like this but it felt degrading.
What you have said about trauma bonding has really helped. At the moment I’m trying to understand why my brain is acting in the way it is. I’m a scientist for my job and understanding things like trauma bonding is very helpful.
In terms of previous men. Some have been fantastic, caring and respectful. My last good relationship ending because we wanted different things from life. I have an ex husband who ended up being unfaithful but it ended amicably. We were very young when we met and it just ran its course. His error in judgement was not a reflection of the decade I spent with him. Most of the relationship was very good.
My biggest issue at the moment is the dissonance in my head between thinking I’m a failure if I don’t have a partner and what I actually want, which is time for me. I think women have a lot of pressure to be in a relationship. I’m often asked “but how are you single?” and this makes me feel like I’m the odd one out.
When I am well, I am self sufficient. I own my house, travel by myself and generally don’t have any problems making new friends.
I have been on some dates and I panic before going out. Then panic if they come near me. However, if I’m meeting male or female friends, I’m absolutely fine.
I would like the option of being able to meet someone when I am ready but at the moment I see the damage that my last relationship has caused. It is currently preventing me from having a future with someone new. I’m not sure how to get past this fear of men when they are potential romantic partners.
Again, I’m so grateful to you for responding and helping me. All of you are a life line. Thank you 🙂
May 28, 2023 at 2:44 am #419439Sammie
ParticipantHello Tee & Helkat
Thank you for your responses.
To add detail, the pregnancy and miscarriage were both unexpected. I was in denial about being pregnant as a coping mechanism. And then we only found out for certain when I went to hospital. That was when it was confirmed that I had been pregnant. I was then heavily in denial about miscarrying as I just could not believe it.
He supported me for 3 days and then disappeared. He was passionately against children so I don’t know how it made him feel.
We had a wonderful Xmas & NYE and he already started ignoring me. He also brought a box of my things back over Xmas so I believe he had already made his mind up to leave.
Tee, I’m grateful for your honesty. I needed to hear this. He was toxic. He was hard work. I was also scared of him. I could get a bad stomach every time he told me he was on the way to my house. I would be physically sick.
He was so lovely to me at times. He took me away for my birthday and planned lovely days out for us. He would do little things like make sure I had medicine. He would tell me he would always have my back and be there for me.
I did feel loved at times. What makes it so hard is that at Xmas/NYE, he was so lovely but I think he has already made his mind up to leave. It’s the dissonance of “he seemed to care but he left anyway”.
But, before this I was a strong, focused woman. Who I am now, I don’t recognise. But at the start of the year I asked the universe for peace, and then he left. I think I have been gifted this man leaving my life.
Since then I have redecorated my house, got myself an amazing new job, I’ve been attending socials to meet new people and I am going travelling.
Every day is working towards what I told myself I needed on January 4th this year. I need peace.
Thank you Tee and Helcat for being supportive. I really appreciate you guidance.May 27, 2023 at 8:58 am #419280Sammie
ParticipantHello Helcat
Thank you for getting back to me.
I’m doing a lot of self care. I used to cry in my car every morning back in January and my friend pointed out that I’ve not done that in months. I am crying less.
I’m just so disappointed that someone who meant the world to me would change his mind so suddenly. Three weeks before he left me, he declared his feelings for me. If we had arguments and problems I would have understood. But he was the one that was always difficult and I was always trying to be understanding.
I don’t want this on my mind anymore but I’m stuck in a loop of confusion and it is preventing me from moving forward. 🙁